Shoppers travelling miles to view town’s ‘mango tower’

Alam Food Store’s ‘mango tower’ on Preston New Road is now a regular feature of the summer. <i>(Image: Nq)</i>
Alam Food Store’s ‘mango tower’ on Preston New Road is now a regular feature of the summer. (Image: Nq)

A Blackburn shopkeeper revealed he has had to restock his mango tower twice after customers scrambled to get their hands on them.

Alam Food Store’s ‘mango tower’ on Preston New Road is now a regular feature of the summer.

First spotted two years ago, the tower consisted of thousands of mangoes of all sizes boxed and piled up in rows on the side of the busiest road in Blackburn.

Last year, the shopkeeper had stacked the boxes even higher. He revealed it took him up to an hour to balance the boxes when the first shipment arrived.

The ‘sweet honey mangoes’ have been popular with customers and the grocer sold out of its first batch again within days.

The tower has been stacked for a third time week.

(Image: Nq/LT) Customers scrambled to get their hands on the mangoes

Shopkeeper Mohammed said: “It has been a pretty cold start to the summer so I think we were more confident stacking the mangoes up.

“It is no good when it is too hot.  We sold the first batch out very fast and people were buying two to three boxes a at a time.

“People are travelling from other towns after they here about the mangoes and they are always giving positive comments.

“It is great to meet new people and everyone is friendly.

"It is great the tower has become so famous."