Shoreditch explosion: Teenager rushed to hospital after being blasted with black smoke while rescuing trapped residents

-Credit: (Image: MyLondon)
-Credit: (Image: MyLondon)

Some people thought a bomb had gone off, but one teenager "did not really think much of it" at all. A 19-year-old resident, who preferred to stay anonymous, was on Bethnal Green Road in East London when an explosion thundered across the Shoreditch street on Thursday night (August 4).

The blast from a suspected gas leak rained down debris over the nearby community centre on St Matthew's Row and the "whole block shook like it was going to fall". Then the fire alarms began going "violently". If the "almighty" noise wasn't enough to shift people out of their homes, the chorus of wails got people moving. The London Fire Brigade rushed 15 fire engines and 100 firefighters to the scene.

When he saw people coming out of their shops shouting "there is a fire", he also grabbed his phone - but not to call 999. After watching Grenfell burn in 2017, and having already run into his estate three times to alert neighbours of past fires, he decided to leg it down the road and see what he could do.

READ MORE: Live updates on Shoreditch 'gas explosion' after 'whole wall blown out' at block of flats

Social housing block Bentworth Court used to be for over 50s, but there are still many elderly residents who live in the building. Mohammed knew many were blind, deaf, or physically disabled, and knew he needed to risk his life to let them know what was happening.

"You have smoke around you and we had the pressure that we were doing the right thing," he said, "I was thinking 'What if I don't end up coming down?' As I got closer to the fire there was clouds of smoke seeping through the lift and ceiling. I was thinking 'If I faint who is going to get me out?'"

In the panic to get people out he was joined by two more men. One of those Royal London Hospital worker Mohamed Rahman, 29, prays at the same Burhan Uddin mosque. The two had never met but suddenly found themselves banging on doors until their hands were bruised with only tops wrapped around their faces to stop the smoke.

Martin Schwartz saw the brave men risk their safety to get people out of the block -Credit:MyLondon
Martin Schwartz saw the brave men risk their safety to get people out of the block -Credit:MyLondon

Mohamed said he wasn't scared "at all" and knew the elderly were in need. "I put myself in that position because if my mum was, what would I expect someone to do?" he added. The three men managed to cover eight floors, whacking as many doors as they could in a bid to get people out. In the end four people were treated at hospital - one of them the 19-year-old No-one has died.

Both pumped on adrenalin ventured "deep" into the "confusing" building. Mohammed said he opened one door to a blind man who refused to believe there was a fire, while another door he opened blasted him with "a whole bunch of black smoke". At one point the teen claimed it was just the two of them left - "we were the last ones to leave".

The teenager said: "We were on separate floors alone. I thought this is the last thing of me before I die. Then surprisingly we ended up finding each other. We said 'What floors did you clear?' We banged more doors. We left the building." Soon firefighters with oxygen tanks appeared and told them to get out.

Bentworth Court has been emptied indefinitely while firefighters and police try to work out what happened -Credit:MyLondon
Bentworth Court has been emptied indefinitely while firefighters and police try to work out what happened -Credit:MyLondon

As the two emerged the adrenaline began to wear off and they suddenly felt the effects of sucking in carbon monoxide and soot. "That's when I started feeling my lungs, I could not really breathe properly, I became really faint and started laying down on the floor," said the teenager.

Paramedics gave the 19-year-old oxygen before taking him to hospital. When he got there he needed an x-ray because of the bruising on his hand. He was discharged the same evening. Meanwhile, Mohamed did not go to hospital but did vomit "dark sick" twice. Despite this, he told MyLondon: "I would do it again easily".

Supporting their account, pensioner Martin Schwartz, 61, said he fled with his dog Belladonna and remembered seeing the two of them rush in. He added: "I was coming down as they were rushing past and they said 'Is there anybody else to be rescued?' I had never met them before but seen them in the park. They are very friendly. I am most impressed by the community spirit."

The huge explosion sent chunks of the wall flying onto nearby buildings - it's still unclear what caused it -Credit:MyLondon
The huge explosion sent chunks of the wall flying onto nearby buildings - it's still unclear what caused it -Credit:MyLondon

While it is not yet clear what caused the initial explosion, gas engineers could be seen at the site today. Last night LFB station commander Paul Green said there was an "on-going gas leak in the building". Forensics arrived in the afternoon to do their own investigation, while a drone was launched later in the day to scan the charred and blackened building from above.

The fire robbed dozens of their homes overnight. Today Tower Hamlets Homes - who manage the block - floated around making sure people were given hotel rooms and have assigned a housing officer to each lobby to lend support. Some residents left in such a rush that they woke up without medicine, shoes, and even beloved pets.

Harley street nurse Sylvester Asare, 66, could only describe the explosion and fire in two words. He said: "The horror." As smoke filled the whole floor in "two to three minutes" he was plunged into a new reality. This morning - without a phone charger - he stood patiently by the police tape waiting for news of somewhere to take his 12-year-old son after a night at a friend's.

"It reminds me of Grenfell," he said, "how I saw the fire raging through gave me that bad memory. It hit me back into that memory and made me sad".

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