Shots Ring Out, Smoke Rises, as Families Leave North Gaza Neighborhood After IDF Warning

Israeli forces called on Gazans to evacuate the northern neighborhood of Shejaiya amid reported strikes on the area on June 27.

Footage by local journalist Ismail Al-Ghoul shows people walking down a road as shots ring out and smoke rises in the distance.

Israeli forces issued an evacuation order for Shejaiya on Thursday. At least three people were killed in a strike on a residential building in the neighborhood that day, Gaza officials said.

Gaza officials said five residential buildings were hit by Israeli warplanes in Shejaiya and neighboring Sabra on Thursday.

Speaking to Al-Ghoul on Wednesday, a spokesman for the Palestinian Civil Defense, said that Shejaiya was “one of the areas that was subjected to the most destruction.” Credit: Ismail Al-Ghoul via Storyful

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