Shotts Bon Accord star forced to retire at 32 after shock heart diagnosis

-Credit: (Image: Gavin Campbell)
-Credit: (Image: Gavin Campbell)

Shotts star Paul McGeough has been forced to retire at the age of 32 after doctors discovered a tumour on his heart.

The former Albion Rovers midfielder, who had open heart surgery as a youngster to repair a hole in his vital organ, went for an annual check-up at University Hospital Wishaw last month and was given the shock news after scans flagged up a new issue.

Motherwell man McGeough had spent the past few weeks in hospital undergoing treatment before being released this week and doctors believe the tumour is non-cancerous.

McGeough's gaffer at Shotts, John McKeown, has spoken on his behalf to explain that the popular figure at Hannah Park - who was crowned players' player of the year at the club in the past two seasons - has had to call time on his playing career.

And the West of Scotland Premier Division side will now hold a benefit match for him in August.

McKeown explained: "I've been up to the hospital to speak to Paul and he is gutted about the football side of it. He wanted to retire eventually on his own terms so this is quite a sore one for him.

"Recently he went for a check-up and the doctors could see something wasn't right. He got his scans and they found a clot and a tumour on his heart. But we are hoping the medication and treatment he is on can clear it up without the need for surgery. The boys at the club have been gathering around him to keep his spirits up.

"He was in the hospital for over two weeks and he has been advised by the consultant to retire from playing. But his situation is, obviously, bigger than football and he has a young, beautiful family to support. He has a good family network around him right now with his wife Kirsty and other family members so that is great to see.

"He's had to give up the family holiday this year because he's been in hospital and he is feeling pretty down right now. But Paul has been a fantastic servant for the club and we'll do all we can for him."

McGeough in action for Shotts -Credit:Gavin Campbell
McGeough in action for Shotts -Credit:Gavin Campbell

McGeough had recently celebrated helping his side win promotion from the West of Scotland First Division and was a mainstay over recent seasons.

And McKeown says his club captain is 'irreplaceable.' He added: "I had Paul at Wishaw as well. He came through the ranks as a young boy and I signed him for Wishy after he'd been at Irvine Meadow and Kirkintilloch Rob Roy.

Shotts boss John McKeown says his side are smarting from an earlier defeat to Glencairn, and he wants an improvement in their performance
Shotts boss John McKeown -Credit:Gavin Campbell

"He went on to become my captain at Wishaw. I tried to take him Cumnock when I left there but he didn't want to leave Wishaw. He is quite a loyal guy, Paul.

"He stayed there for a few more years before going to Albion Rovers for a spell under John Brogan and I managed to get him to Shotts when I took the job here. Since then, he has been a first pick for me every week. He is a leader on and off the park.

"He is absolutely irreplaceable. He has been so good for us. We had 12 games in a month towards the end of the season and big Paul played every single one of them. He was absolutely instrumental in our promotion.

Shotts players (from left): Sandy Thomson, Paul McGeough, Robbie Torrance, Ben Richford, Jack Gordon, Adam Hunter and Ally Martin with their awards
Shotts players of the year award winners this season (from left): Sandy Thomson, Paul McGeough, Robbie Torrance, Ben Richford, Jack Gordon, Adam Hunter and Ally Martin -Credit:Gavin Campbell

"Even when other players were dropping like flies through injury, Paul dragged us through it. That sums up his character.

"He is going to be a huge miss but we know his health is the most important thing."

A game between Shotts Legends and Wishaw Legends is now due to take place and McKeown added: "The response to the game has been great. So many people want to get involved and help, it just shows how much Paul means to people and how much he is appreciated by the clubs."

More details will be announced on the clubs' social media channels in due course.

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