Sir Keir Starmer walks out of Sunday Brunch studio early before show ends

Sir Keir Starmer has walked off Sunday Brunch early after the Channel 4 hosts took a brutal swipe. The Labour leader was in the Channel 4 studio with Tim Lovejoy and former BBC Strictly Come Dancing star Simon Rimmer on Sunday May 19.

But Sir Keir was forced to leave Channel 4 show Sunday Brunch, after he showcased his cooking skills by making tandoori salmon. Sir Keir joined the pair on Sunday for an interview from 9am - but was forced to leave early due to his love of Arsenal.

Sir Keir is supporting the Gunners at the Emirates Stadium today as they face the final day of the season against Everton with the hope of winning the Premier League title. Responding to Sir Keir's appearance, a viewer sniped: "Never mind the salmon, I am puking just from the sight of him and listening to his fake patter! Is there nothing he won't stop at to try and wheedle his way in with people?"

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But a second defended him and wrote: "Keir is pretty normal once you make allowance for the fact that he leads a major political party and is 99% certain to become Prime Minister in the next few months. He is well grounded from a modest upbringing."

Another sniped: "It’s always councillors, MPs, and shadow cabinet saying crap like this. Starmer is a liar, he’s a manipulator and he’s manipulated. He’s untrustworthy, a bully, a saboteur and a back-stabber. No thank you."

"I can see him going the same way as Neil Kinnock. Lulled into a false sense of security by misleading polls that put him ahead," another wrote. "Nothing normal, decent about hosting a #genocidesupporter on national TV who supports the cut off of all basic human needs for millions of #Palestinians in #Gaza & shamelessly brags about his Salmon recipe!" another said.

"Your support is starving millions in #Gaza - biased two faced hypocrite!" another raged."