Snail's Pace: Man Finally Finishes Marathon

A man dressed as Brian the Snail from The Magic Roundabout has finished the London Marathon - 26 days after it started.

Lloyd Scott travelled along the 26.2-mile course face-down on a sled, wearing the costume.

He was raising awareness to help children with mobility issues by collecting money for charity Action For Kids.

Crossing the line, he said: "That is not an experience I want to repeat."

The 49-year-old from Essex suffered nosebleeds, vomiting and cramp as he crawled across broken glass, nails and dog mess.

At one point he was rushed to hospital to have the blood vessels in his nose cauterised.


He was also sick inside the 9ft-long outfit because he was not able to digest food properly.

Mr Scott said: "It has been very demanding but I want the focus to be on the charity.

"It is all been about raising money to change these young kids' lives and help them realise their potential.

"I have chosen to make this difficult for myself but these kids don't have that choice. Every day they're confronted with mobility issues."

He ran his first London marathon in 1990 after fighting leukaemia, and has raised more than £5m for charities so far.

The former professional footballer once travelled the length of the race in an antique diving suit and has completed an underwater marathon in Loch Ness.