Soccer-Germans rule out convenient draw v U.S.

By Erik Kirschbaum SANTO ANDRE, Brazil, June 23 (Reuters) - Germany will go all out to beat the United States in their final World Cup Group G match and would not dream of settling for the draw that would send both teams through, defender Mats Hummels and assistant coach Hansi Flick said on Monday. "That would be extremely unsportsmanlike to even entertain any thoughts in that direction," Hummels told reporters at the German base camp. "We're definitely going to play to win and anything else would be totally unfair to all the other teams." Germany and the United States have four points from two matches and would both qualify for the second round with a draw. That situation has revived memories of an infamous 1982 World Cup match in which West Germany and Austria essentially stopped playing when the Germans scored to lead 1-0 in the 10th minute, a result that put both sides through. "I can absolutely rule out that happening," Flick said. "We want to win the match. The playoffs have started. I'm sure the team is going to give the right answer on the pitch." The West Germany-Austria match remains a major blemish on the German FA (DFB) and was described as a disgrace in both countries. Flick patiently answered waves of questions about the 1982 game in three different languages and repeatedly insisted there was no way Germany would contemplate playing for a result that would help both teams. U.S. coach Juergen Klinsmann was the Germany coach from 2004 to 2006 and picked many of the players and coaches involved in the squad. "We want to win the group," said Flick. "We are quite clearly going to be playing to win. We'd like to advance to the next group at the top of the group and play the round of 16 match in Porto Allegre." Germany want to top the group to get away from the steamy heat of tropical northern Brazil, where their three group matches have been in Salvador, Fortaleza and Recife. Temperatures have been around 30 degrees while the conditions in Porto Allegre are more similar to those in northern Europe. The second-placed team in Group G play their round of 16 match in Salvador. Hummels did concede that at some point deep in extra time he might realise a draw would be inevitable and not take undue risks. "We always play to win," said Hummels. "It's not our thing (to play for a draw). If we're in the 91st minute and it's still 1-1, I'm not going to try to dribble through four guys on the other team if I'm the last defender standing. "At most I'd try to dribble past two guys," Hummels said with a smile. (Editing by Ed Osmond)