Solihull fly-tippers landed with hefty legal bill after admitting dumping waste

Fly tipped waste on Fen End -Credit:Solihull Council
Fly tipped waste on Fen End -Credit:Solihull Council

Two fly-tippers who admitted dumping waste in Solihull and other parts of the West Midlands have been landed with a hefty legal bill. It follows the pair being caught emptying building site waste from their vans.

Ionut Bancunlea, 33, Adrian Bivolaru, 34, from Smethwick, had deposited waste along a private farm track when the landowners blocked them in along Maxstoke Lane in Meriden, near Coventry. The police were then called following the incident, just before 3.30pm, on February 7.

The men were instructed to load the waste back into their vehicles at which point the vans were seized as evidence. A social media post from the Operational Patrol Unit showed pictures from the clean-up and led to other fly tipping offences being reported and linked to the men.

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The officers were also contacted by Solihull Council ’s Regulatory Services Team, who recognised the men as having been involved in offences committed in the West Midlands.

Bancunlea, of Claremont Road in Smethwick, pleaded guilty to four charges of depositing waste without a permit. He was given a community order with a 12-month 150-hour unpaid work requirement and ten days of rehabilitation activities at Leamington Spa Magistrates Court on may 10. He's also required to pay compensation amounting to £1,565.84 as well as a victims’ surcharge of £114 and £85 costs to the Crown Prosecution Service.

Bivolaru, of Parkhill Road in Smethwick, pleaded guilty to two charges of depositing waste without a permit. He was given a community order with a 12-month 80-hour unpaid work requirement and ten days of rehabilitation activities. Bivolaru is required to pay £200 worth of compensation, as well as £114 victims’ surcharge and £85 costs to the Crown Prosecution Service.

The four offences that led to these charges were on Fen End Road, in Fen End, Solihull, between June 23 and 25, 2023, and on September 9, 2023. Also on Packington Lane, in Maxstoke, on November 16, 2023, and on Maxstoke Lane, in Meriden, on February 7, 2024.

Sgt Simms of the Rural Crime Team said: “Dropping waste at the side of the road ruins our beautiful countryside and wastes precious resources from our local councils that could be better invested elsewhere to clean it up. It also stops businesses like farms from being able to operate while the owners deal with the mess, often leaving them out of pocket as well.

“We are very happy that the OPU were quick to assist landowners and able to catch them in the act on this occasion, and we share in the satisfaction that Banunclea and Bivolaru were made to clean up at least one of their messes. I’m extremely pleased that the Rural Crime Team (who progressed the investigation with assistance from Solihull Council and concerned members of public) have seen these offenders being suitably punished.”

A Solihull Council spokesperson added: “In Solihull, we take pride in our community. Protecting and enhancing our natural environment has always been a priority and it is important to keep it safe and pleasant for residents to live in. Solihull Council works hard to ensure the areas are clean and well-maintained. We’re pleased that this fine and community order has been issued and that fly-tipping cases are taken seriously.

“We will continue to prosecute anti-social crime such as fly-tipping to the fullest extent where possible and would urge residents to report fly-tipping via the council’s website.” Residents in Solihull can report fly-tipping to Solihull Council at:

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