Someone asked Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak 'are you the best we've got?' and the reactions were priceless

-Credit: (Image: BBC One)
-Credit: (Image: BBC One)

It was a live TV debate between two men who want to be the next Prime Minister of our country. Conservative Rishi Sunak and Labour's Keir Starmer went head-to-head in a BBC One debate lasting 75 minutes.

The two men found their footing after a noisy start with protestors making themselves heard, and clearly putting both men off.

The question from Robert Blackstock went: "Rishi Sunak I think you did a fair job as chancellor, but you were a pretty mediocre prime minister. Sir Keir, I think your strings are being pulled by very senior members of the Labour party, are you two really the best we've got to be the next Prime Minister of our great country?"

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As cameras panned to the audience, people were gobsmacked. One woman put her hand to her mouth, others laughed, and some looked completely shocked at the frank question.

Audience members were taken aback by the question -Credit:BBC One
Audience members were taken aback by the question -Credit:BBC One

In his response, Mr Sunak said he "understood" frustration and said he was the "first to acknowledge" he hadn't got everything right in his time as prime minister. He said there was a "choice" between him and Sir Keir, before turning to speaking about policy ideas and tax rises. For the latest politics news in Wales sign up to our newsletter here.

Sir Keir said he was "not surprised" that people felt the "hope has been beaten out of them". He said "loads" of promises had been made at the last election which had "not been delivered on".

Speaking to Clive Myrie afterwards, audience member Robert said the debate had not helped him make his mind up about who to vote for. “I was disappointed the response from both," he said. "Neither one of them wanted to seem to want to say why they were good. They were going on what they’d done in the past. They weren’t being positive. From my perspective, in a prime minister, we want a personality, someone we can recognise, someone on the world stage”.