Someone Says They've Filmed The Humps Of The Loch Ness Monster

Someone has once again captured what might be a glimpse of the prehistoric beast which lurks beneath the waters of Loch Ness.

This time, the video shows what the tourist claims might be ‘humps’ cutting through the water - at quite a rate of knots.

But other,, more sceptical observers are more inclined to think it’s the wake of a boat.

It’s certainly among the more high-speed Nessie sightings - generally, the beast tends to move at a much more sedate pace, or float serenely in the water.

Holidaymaker Tony Bligh said, ‘While visiting Loch Ness I noticed this weird formation on the loch near to Inverness end of the loch. Could it be the elusive Nessie?

‘It was quite long. “The humps were consistently the same length apart. I don’t know what it was. It was very unusual.

In the video there appeared to be four to five humps, about 6ft apart, which moved in unison – but Tony did concede there was a boat about 1200ft away.