Someone Worked Out How Much It Costs To Insure The Millennium Falcon

It’s not cheap

You might think that YOUR insurance premiums are high - but spare a thought for stuggling galactic smuggler Han Solo.

Insuring the Millennium Falcon would cost Solo £200,000 a year - with the roguish space pirate penalised for previous speeding convictions and having a Wookie as a co-driver.

Solo would also be hit hard because he rarely parks the Falcon twice in the same place - and has ‘unusually high mileage’, according to Mail Online.

Admiral car insurance told Mail Online: ‘We’d definitely have to run this one by our underwriters.

'They would need to consider the age of the vehicle, the fact the main driver is a smuggler and he probably has more than one driving conviction - we heard that his vehicle made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs.

'Also, one of the named drivers is a Wookie and the vehicle is docked in a different corner of the Galaxy each night.’