Somerset ecologists ‘highly commended’ in national awards

The team collecting their award <i>(Image: Contributed)</i>
The team collecting their award (Image: Contributed)

AN ENVIRONMENTAL consultancy was ‘highly commended’ in a national award.

Watchet-based environmental consultancy Geckoella said they were thrilled to attend the CIEEM Awards on Friday (June 28) to receive Highly Commended for the Small Consultancy of the Year category.

Friday was a huge day as some of the team took time out from their usual important ecological and geological work to join the other finalists at the Leonardo Royal Hotel in London and wait with bated breath to see who had won the coveted awards.

CIEEM is the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management and is the leading professional membership body representing and supporting ecologists and environmental managers in the UK, Ireland, and abroad.

Their awards celebrate the outstanding work of ecologists and environmental managers across the UK and Ireland.

A spokesperson for Geckolella said: "This nomination is recognition of the hard work of the team, and a celebration of Geckoella’s achievements, as they look to inspire the next generation, have their skills recognised, and remind us why environmental consultancies are here, doing what they do and striving every day to make a difference."

Geckoella would like to thank their supporters including WWT Steart Marshes, STANTEC, Onion Collective Watchet, Watchet Town Council, and Somerset Council for their help and encouragement. Geckoella are proud to be working with these clients and associates.

A message on the Geckoella website says: “Our team brings together a wide range of experience and specialisms to provide a comprehensive range of services.

“The team is dynamic and is selected specifically for each project to ensure a bespoke innovative solution to each challenge.

“We work with in-house staff and specialist sub-contractors to provide expertise that covers all areas aspects of ecological, geological, and heritage consultancy.”