South East Cornwall candidates for General Election 2024

The secret Cornish gem on the other side of the river from 'England'
-Credit: (Image: Greg Martin / Cornwall Live)

In the final part of our six-part look at each of the candidates hoping to be Cornwall's next MPs, we move to South East Cornwall. Conservative Sheryll Murray will be defending the seat she has held since 2010, but she is facing a tough battle from Labour's Anna Gelderd, who the polls suggest could just inch it.

Prior to Ms Murray's incumbency, the seat was held for 13 years by Lib Dem MP Colin Breed and before him by Tory Robert Hicks through the 1980s. If Ms Gelderd is successful it will prove historic in the area for the Labour Party.

Taking in Looe and Liskeard, Calstock and Callington, the Rame Peninsula, Saltash and Lostwithiel, some of the talking points on doorsteps in the constituency on the run-up to the election on July 4 include the hot topic of Tamar tolls, the availability of NHS dentistry for children and road improvements on the A38. Here the six candidates say why they should become South East Cornwall's next MP.

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Conservative - Sheryll Murray

I was born and brought up in the constituency and have lived here virtually all my life. South East Cornwall is my home where I raised my children and have always wanted the best for the area. Before entering Parliament I worked in the local NHS and served as a local councillor.

Since being first elected as a Member of Parliament I, along with my dedicated team, have already dealt with over 80,000 pieces of correspondence and I have knocked on thousands of doors right across the constituency to hear views and concerns. I have served on Parliament’s Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee, represented the UK at the Council of Europe and served in government as a Parliamentary Private Secretary to a number of departments. I have also chaired many parliamentary meetings as a member of the Panel of Chairs.

I seek re-election as there are many local issues I want to take forward. I have already successfully secured a footbridge over the A38 at Carkeel, got the government to consult and plan a safety package for the A38 and am now pushing for implementation. I presented a massive petition from residents for no increases in Tamar Tolls this year and was working with ministers to look at future funding options for the crossings.

I worked with local people and government after a landslip in Calstock, secured flood defences in Lostwithiel and brought the then Prime Minister to Kingsand to see for himself the terrible damage caused by storms. I am now working with groups in Looe to get a plan which would bring economic benefit to the town and have secured £2.3 million government funding to move the Looe Flood prevention project to the next stage. I also want to see the bridge at Lostwithiel railway station installed.

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Labour - Anna Gelderd

It would be an honour to be our Labour MP in the place I call home. Living locally on the Rame Peninsula, I understand the struggles facing South East Cornwall, with accessing GPs or dentists, sending our children to overstretched schools, ever-increasing bills, sewage spilling into our waters or being able to get a decent home. We need a strong voice for our special corner of Cornwall, prepared to tackle all these issues head-on.

Beyond my passion for our fantastic communities, I’m a campaigner and conservationist. I’ve spent my career in the service of others, holding senior roles in brilliant British charities and representing the UK at the international level, including the RNLI. My experience and local knowledge mean that I’ve got what it takes to fight hard for people here.

My top priorities:

1. Fight for our fair share

I’ll campaign for better transport links, more teachers, more affordable homes and I’ll bring second homes under control.

2. ⁠Tackle Tory economic failure

I’ll work to reduce bills, create new jobs and boost our local economy with opportunities in industries like Cornish renewables.

3. ⁠Get the NHS back on its feet

I’ll address serious issues at Treliske and Derriford, and ensure we have more doctors and dentists.

It’s time to turn the page on 14 years of Conservative chaos. If you voted Conservative or Liberal Democrat at the last election and now want change, I’m asking you to put your trust in me and a changed Labour Party. I will be the fresh start this area needs, ensuring you have a champion who will fight for our fair share under a Labour Government.

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Liberal Democrats - Colin Martin

I first moved to Liskeard 19 years ago to work for Colin Breed, who served as South East Cornwall’s Liberal Democrat MP from 1997 to 2010. Colin was observant, curious and thoughtful; so he figured out how to get things done, like securing funding for the Dobwalls bypass and establishing the 'Grocery Code' to protect farmers from abuse by supermarkets.

Witnessing Colin’s selfless and effective community service inspired me to stand for election too and after working for a Cornish fuel poverty charity, running a social enterprise and working as a maths teacher, I gained a comprehensive understanding of local issues. Seven years ago, I overturned a huge Conservative majority to be elected as the Cornwall Councillor for Lostwithiel, and I have used this platform to lead many successful campaigns.

For example:

In 2021, I set up a cross-party working group to tackle the housing emergency. Four of the ideas I put forward to control holiday homes have now been put into law.

In 2022, I called for independent experts to guarantee that Cornwall’s green transition is as fast and fair as possible. This 'Cornwall Climate Commission' is now up and running and will ensure that everyone gets the help they need to cut their energy bills and carbon emissions.

But there is so much more to do! Votes cast in South East Cornwall on July 4 will not stop Keir Starmer becoming Prime Minister, but they will determine who represents our area in Parliament.

Our Conservative MP has failed to secure any funding for the Tamar Crossings or the deadly A38. If you elect me to serve you in Parliament, I will work tirelessly to deliver safe roads, affordable homes, a thriving, green economy and public services we can all be proud of. And, of course, to abolish the Tamar tolls!

Reform UK - Paul Wadley

My career was largely spent within the private security sector, managing business development and marketing. Qualified in marketing and separately in psychology, I became involved in the delivery of behavioural courses designed to change antisocial behaviours through cognitive behavioural based programs with groups of adults.

I was a magistrate for 16 years, retiring in October 2023 which enabled me to devote all of my time in campaigning for the Reform UK party in the lead up to the general election and in South East Cornwall in particular. When I became a magistrate in 2007, I had to swear on a life time oath, part of which states: "I will do right to all manner of people-without fear or favour, affection or ill will."
I have previous experience of running a large Neighbourhood Watch scheme and was involved in two charities for the homeless, managing a large number of volunteers.

I am a parish councillor with St Stephen in Brannel Parish Council where I sit on two committees: services and human resources. I abide by the Councils' Code of Conduct for public servants, that states I will act with integrity, selflessness, honesty, accountability, openness, to uphold the law, to demonstrate leadership, to have respect for others and to act objectively.

From all those experiences I appreciate the issues that are important to residents. I take my role as a public servant seriously. I value honesty, respect and integrity and respect that all people have a right to be heard. Good listening skills is one of my attributes, another is getting things done. I believe I will make a good MP for South East Cornwall.

Green Party - Martin Corney

I’m standing for the Green Party in the 2024 general election because I know that only Green policies can fix the mess we’re in.

I’ve done what I can locally as a parish councillor, getting our parish council to declare a climate emergency and helping the resulting resilience project, formed by supporters, to establish a community orchard and stimulate local households to improve resilience with better insulation and green heating. But we have national problems that can only be fixed by central government – and we urgently need more Green MPs to make sure this happens.

Because I’m a passionate amateur naturalist, I’ve been a strong supporter of Cornwall Wildlife Trust ever since I moved to Cornwall decades ago. This spring as I walk past the glorious display of wildflowers that we’re so lucky to have lining our glorious Cornish lanes, I wonder why there are hardly any insects on those flowers.

As I check out the fruit trees in our community orchard, I see all the apple blossom and wonder where the bees are. Will we have to hand pollinate them next year? It’s probably the pesticides sprayed on the wheat field next door, but the lack of insects is more widespread. Government has got to ban the most dangerous pesticides, but only the Green Party is saying this.

I’m also terrified by the escalating climate crisis we’re inflicting on ourselves now, and on future generations this century, by continuing to burn fossil fuels. Because this is a global problem we need a global solution. Only when elected to Parliament can we Green politicians have a sufficiently loud voice to be heard internationally. That’s why it’s vital for the people of South East Cornwall to elect me as MP on July 4.

Heritage Party - Graham Cowdry

I am not a career politician but an ordinary man who has made this beautiful county of Cornwall my home.

The political landscape in recent years has brought disillusionment and frustration to many. People are struggling to put food on the table and pay their bills. Aspirations in owning a home is becoming evermore out of reach for many. If we do not address illegal immigration, which adds a huge strain on resources and prevent giant corporations from becoming mega landlords, which remove opportunities of owning a home, these issues will only increase.

Net zero policies threaten the livelihood of our farmers and their ability to farm. All of which will cause food shortages, pushing up prices and creating more hardship. I love my country and this county and will not stand aside whilst successive governments erode our sovereignty, freedoms, culture and mismanage our economy.

Politicians are elected and employed as public servants. We pay them through taxation. This appears to have been ignored by current representatives and now what remains is the semblance of a ‘uni-party’ that rides roughshod over the taxpayers of this country. No longer are we listened to, no matter how many petitions we sign. This is not a democracy but an illusion of one. We are long overdue for positive change for the ordinary people of Great Britain.

The Heritage Party is a party based on social conservatism and we have a duty to preserve our heritage and pass this on to the coming generations. We will strive to return these principles, reverse the cultural destruction wreaked by politically correct ideologies and return to our true traditions and heritage. I am honoured to be standing for the Heritage Party and look forward to meeting and hearing of any concerns from my constituents.