'Spanish Mykonos' locals call for blanket ban on tourists and say its 'not a place of adventure'

People living in a village dubbed the 'Spanish Mykonos' want to see a blanket ban on tourists. It comes after residents of Binibeca Vell had previously asked visitors to only come between 11am and 8pm to allow locals to enjoy their breakfasts.

The fishing village in Menorca has seen an explosion of visitors, with around 800,000 arriving each year. Its popularity rocketed thanks to pictures of the area going viral on social media, the Mirror reports.

But locals have been forced to ask tourists to keep from “entering homes” and “climbing balconies”. The request, posted on the village's website also features pictures of a tourist sitting on a local's chair and another lounging in a stairwell.

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Óscar Monge, who runs a group representing the 195 property owners in Binibeca Vell, said: " Binibeca Vell is not a place of adventure, but it's a private housing development where people reside. If the administration continues to leave us abandoned, in August we'll carry out a vote among owners on whether we should close up the development."

They were said to be furious with Spanish authorities for failing to tackle the issues with tourism. Although the government gave the residents of Binibeca Vell £12,850 last year to help with rubbish removal, the deal was not renewed this year.

The head of tourism for Menorca, Begoña Mercadal, told El Diario residents would be within their rights to close off the village to tourists. She said: “We fully acknowledge that it is private property and, therefore, if they want to close it, that is their right."