Splash park 'which has never worked properly' set to be refurbished

Witney Splash Park <i>(Image: Canva)</i>
Witney Splash Park (Image: Canva)

A splash park which parents said 'has never worked properly' is set to be refurbished.

The splash park on The Leys recreation ground in Witney has suffered recurring problems and was closed again last week, leading frustrated parents to vent on social media that it 'has never worked since it was put in'.

Last summer contractors worked on and off-site to make alterations and repairs to the system.

The summer before the splash pad closed as one of the sensors was not working and the water flow became erratic.

The splash park on The Leys has suffered recurring problems (Image: Witney Town Council)

However, amid the heatwave it is currently WORKING.

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The splash park replaced a dilapidated paddling pool and play equipment in 2015 after The Liven Up The Leys campaigners spent over two years raising over £10,000 through various initiatives.

Witney Town Council supplied £230,000 in grants.

Witney Town Council said: "The equipment is aged and temperamental and the council is doing its best with the support of specialist contractors to keep it running.

"Rather than close the park this year the decision was made to maintain the existing infrastructure to enable the town to enjoy this popular feature as much as possible."

However, there are plans for it to be refurbished for next year and even for extra features to be added.

Councillors and staff will be available at Witney Carnival on July 13 for the public to look at some designs and pick their favourite through a child-friendly voting system.