Spring cleaning guide - How to deep clean your house with expert room-by-room tips

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Home-maintenance tasks might not always be at the top of our list of fun activities. Yet, when our to-do lists become longer than we'd like to acknowledge, it often takes just a little push to tackle those irritating chores.

This is particularly true now that it's spring cleaning season. With the days gradually becoming brighter and early-flowering daffodils setting the scene, we're inspired to spruce up our homes and address those nagging tasks.

To help you get started, here's a room-by-room guide:

Living room

"Dirty carpets and rugs are not only unpleasant to look at, they're also renowned for harbouring bacteria, grime and allergens," cautions Rachael Munby, group marketing director at Anglian Home Improvements.

However, she notes that while regular cleaning can help manage these issues, it can actually exacerbate them if not done properly. Munby suggests having your carpets and rugs professionally cleaned annually to ensure they are thoroughly sanitised and free from debris that can damage carpet fibres.

"If you do choose to clean your carpets yourself, move any furniture, roll up rugs, and remove any clutter, so you can get to those often 'neglected' spaces," Munby advises.

"Vacuum-clean the area using a vacuum with high-quality filters designed to remove allergens and pollutants. Follow with a pre-conditioning treatment before using an anti-allergen carpet shampoo."


"Between hurried breakfasts, weeknight meals, and hosting get-togethers, our kitchens tend to bear the brunt of household chaos," Munby points out. "A few minutes of daily cleaning can help you keep on track before things get out of hand."

She advises that once a day, you should spray and wipe down countertops and the stovetop with a multi-purpose cleaner; and scrub and disinfect your sink and backsplash.

For those aiming to have their backsplash or tiles looking as pristine as possible, she recommends a thorough clean every quarter to minimise the accumulation of grime, stains, and bacteria, and to prevent your grout from becoming discoloured.

"Cleaning grout in tiles can be as simple as giving it a good scrub using a scrubbing brush or even a toothbrush."

Munby also suggests that whitening toothpaste can be effective for brightening your grout, as it often contains bicarbonate of soda, which is an excellent stain-lifting agent.

However, if you find yourself struggling to restore the original lustre of your grout, Munby mentions that a chemical-based cleaner might be more suitable.


Incorporating window cleaning into your general cleaning routine every three months or seasonally is recommended by Munby to maintain a manageable cleaning schedule.

She also emphasises the importance of ensuring that drainage slots, window hinges, vertical sliders, and sliding door tracks are clear of grit and debris to reduce wear and prevent leaks.


"When it comes to your bedroom, a tidy space not only breeds a tidy mind, but it also minimises visual distractions to help create a peaceful haven for you to relax and sleep in," says Amanda Castle, marketing manager at Hypnos.

"There is a lot to be said for the expression 'out of sight, out of mind'. Find practical storage solutions which offer clever use of space to keep belongings organised and out of the way."

She also advises optimising the space under the bed to stow away seasonal bedding or clothing, such as flip-flops or winter coats.

"Keep these items handy, but out of the way, with under-bed storage. Look for ottoman-style beds or those with pull-out drawers. If you don't have built-in storage, use decorative containers that don't look out of place on display or concealed under a bed."

Optimising bedroom air quality through improved ventilation and avoidance of chemicals can also contribute to a more restful sleep, says Castle.

"Where and when possible, allow clean outdoor air to flow through your bedroom by opening windows. Air purifiers can help to improve air quality by removing common allergens and harmful particles.The most important part of any bedroom is of course, the bed, notes Castle. "And by taking regular care of it, you prolong its life, giving greater value. ""Air your mattress on a weekly basis by leaving the bed linen turned back for a few hours each time and allow air to circulate around and through the mattress," she advises."

Use a breathable mattress protector or blanket to guard against spills and dirt, these can be washed with the bed linen and helps to keep your bed looking like new.

"Moreover, Castle suggests rotating and, if you have a turnable mattress, flipping it over periodically. This refreshes the mattress surface and encourages even settlement of any fillings.BathroomCleaning the bathroom may not be a glamorous task, but it's essential for maintaining a serene and clutter-free space, as every bathroom should be, according to Harriet Goodacre, style consultant at Topps Tiles."

If there's one cleaning tip that can leave your bathroom feeling fresh every day, it's keeping a spray bottle to hand to wipe down your shower, toilet, sink and faucets. ""As you clean your bath or shower, make sure to regularly check the seal around the bathtub or shower tray for any signs of damage or mould," Goodacre advises. "Which could lead to leaks or serious water damage.

"One area that shouldn't be overlooked in the bathroom is the tiles, she adds."

When it comes to cleaning, the type and level of care depends on the type of tile. Porcelain and ceramic tiles, for example, can be restored to their former glory simply by using a mild, specialist tile detergent mixed with warm, clean water once a week.