Staff and students remember 'inspirational' teacher at Colchester all-girls school

Tribute - Colchester County High School for Girls has paid tribute to teacher Beverly Hodgkinson <i>(Image: Newsquest)</i>
Tribute - Colchester County High School for Girls has paid tribute to teacher Beverly Hodgkinson (Image: Newsquest)

A Colchester school is mourning the death of a dedicated teacher, who inspired generations of young girls.

Beverly Hodgkinson was a teacher at Colchester County High School for Girls for more than 40 years, making her one of the longest-serving members of staff there.

Executive principal Gillian Marshall said: “Miss Hodgkinson’s unexpected passing has left us all shocked and saddened.

Mourning - The school lost one of its longest-serving members of staff (Image: N/A)

“She was a valued member of Colchester County High School for Girls who had given over 40 years of service.

“The school community celebrated her achievement at a social event last year and it was evident that she was greatly respected and admired by all.

“Miss Hodgkinson cared passionately about her subject and her students.  She delivered Latin and Classics by deploying her wicked sense of humour, fantastic subject knowledge and fun.

“For the staff at CCHSG Miss Hodgkinson was a valued friend and colleague who will be greatly missed. Her family and friends are in our thoughts at this very difficult time.”

Following the death of Miss Hodgkinson, the school said supporting staff and students is the top priority, with additional pastoral support available.

A school spokesman said: “We are inviting contributions for an online book of remembrance where students and staff can share their fond memories of Miss Hodgkinson.

“Parents or past students are invited to send items via email to

“We are also planning a memorial on the school grounds.

Remembered - Beverly Hodgkinson was a teacher in Colchester for more than 40 years (Image: Colchester County High School for Girls)

“In seeking to give thanks for all that Miss Hodgkinson gave to CCHSG, and in line with her family’s wishes, we are supporting the work of Macmillan Nurses, via the Macmillan Cancer Support charity.

“Anyone wishing to make a contribution is welcome to do so.”

A fundraiser in Miss Hodgkinson's name for the Macmillan Cancer Support through the East of England Co-op funeral services has raised more than £100.

Her funeral will take place on July 10 at the Colchester Crematorium Chapel, where family, friends and students can say goodbye for the last time.