Star Wars: The Force Awakens Blu-ray Has 7 Deleted Scenes

‘Star Wars’ fans haven’t seen everything ‘The Force Awakens’ has to offer…


During an interview with The Independent, the film’s editors revealed that there are several deleted scenes that could be included in the upcoming DVD and Blu-ray release.

“I think there are maybe seven or eight,” explained Mary Jo Markey. “I don’t know if that’s a lot. I remember looking at the reel. Actually, I think there are seven.”

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But what will the deleted scenes reveal?

According to co-editor Maryann Brandon, not an awful lot…

“We have been talking about [the deleted scenes],” explained Brandon. “But Disney has mentioned to us that - since they’re going to be on the DVD treats for viewers - that we should stop talking about them.”


“There aren’t a lot,” she added. “There’s one with Harrison Ford, there’s one with Rey, but there aren’t a lot.”

Of course, die hard ‘Star Wars’ fans have been wondering what was left on the cutting room floor since ‘The Force Awakens’ first appeared in cinemas. After all, some of the marketing before the film’s release pointed to several scenes and characters which it seems were omitted from the final film.

In fact, Darth Vader was once rumoured to appear in a flashback… and may have been cut from Rey’s Force-powered vision.

And then there’s Constable Zuvio – an alien law enforcer who is said to have had a run-in with Rey during early versions of the film… and was probably left on the cutting room floor.


But did the film’s editors have any regrets?

I honestly think that what is in the film is exactly what needs to be in the film, and what isn’t remains fun but not necessary.

“JJ really wanted it to be a two-hour movie,” said Brandon, “and we did strive to do that. But then, at a certain point, we felt like the film is really working for the very few people that we were able to show it to.”

“We went back to see if we should add any of the things we left off, and there really wasn’t anything that felt like it needed to be in the film,” she added. “That’s always the goal, to get it down to its essence. There were fun things, but it didn’t actually have to be in the movie for it to work.”

Will we get to see any of those scenes in the DVD and Blu-ray release?

For now, we’ll have to wait and see… but it sounds as though there’s plenty to add.

‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ appeared in cinemas on 16 December 2015.

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Picture Credit: Lucasfilm