Stars honour our sensational Pride of Scotland 2024 winners

IT was a night of celebration, camaraderie and rousing applause for life-affirming examples of heroism and dedication to others.

The Daily Record Pride of Scotland Awards with TSB saw a host of stars turn out to recognise the courage and selfless determination shown by the nation’s unsung heroes.

Hosted by Elaine C Smith and Sanjeev Kohli, the glittering event at Glasgow’s Hiton was a rip-roaring success.

Celebrities were queuing up to sing the praises of the inspirational winners of our ‘People’s Oscars’, and here is just a selection of the warm words they shared on the night.

SCOTLAND’S new First Minister presented the RNLI with a Special Recognition Award and hailed their volunteers as “brave, selfless and inspirational.”

John Swinney commended the service, which is celebrating its 200th birthday, saying the nation could not survive without them. He said: “Scotland cannot survive without the RNLI and the recognition the Pride of Scotland is so appropriate and so richly deserved.

“It comes with the grateful thanks of the people of Scotland and it’s a privilege for me, in one of my first duties as First Minister, to to present them with their well-deserved award.”

GAME of Thrones star James Cosmo honoured Lifetime Achievement winner Elaine Wyllie, 68, for getting more than five million school children out of the classroom and walking, skipping or running The Daily Mile.

He said: “Elaine is helping preserve humanity by getting children off their phones and consoles and outside into the fresh air - improving both their physical and mental health.”

Granite Harbour star Dawn Steele added: “To see such a simple idea having such an impact is fantastic. My 11-year-old daughter Coco does it every day and loves it.”

WORLD’S Strongest Man Tom Stoltman praised Child of Courage Caleb Stirrat, eight, who is the inspiration behind a charity supporting other families living with terminal cancer.

He said: “What an incredibly strong little boy! He’s gone through so much and he’s only eight-years-old but still has hope which is such strong word. He’s inspiring other kids and other families and the amount of money he has raised is incredible.”

Tom’s brother Luke, who is Europe’s Strongest Man, added: “Tom and I are very close and support each other and it is clear that Caleb’s sisters help keep him buoyed up.”

GLADIATOR Sabre aka Sheli McCoy lauded our Teenagers of Courage Abbie Jarvis, 14, and Kaylynn Donald, 13, who are backing a campaign against youth violence despite being viciously attacked by other children.

Sheli said: “I went to the same school in Fife as Kaylynn and got the same bus. When I was younger I was bullied quite a lot for being athletic and having a deep husky voice. I know how hard that was for me and here they are inspiring and educating others by speaking out.”

Love Island’s Anton added: “I was bullied as a kid because of my weight and love the girls being recognised tonight is a big up yours to their bullies. They are superstars.”

Dinosaur actress and writer Ashley Storrie agrees. She said: “From being someone who has been on the wrong end of bullying I commend them for having the courage to speak out.”

SINGER Susan Boyle paid tribute to Wilson the therapy pony who stole the show in his dapper kilt and picked up a Special Recognition award alongside owners Elaine and John Sangster, both, 59.

She said: “I could have taken that wee horse home with me. He is just so cute. Animals can bring so much comfort to people and the joy Wilson and his owners bring is just incredible. I found their story remarkable and moving.”

Still Game’s Gavin Mitchell added: “I have a wee rescue dog called Bob and he changed my life when I needed it most. Therapy Ponies Scotland are doing incredible work.”

Greg Hemphill agreed. He said: “They are remarkable. I did get a tad scared when the hosts told us to stay quiet and not frighten the pony. I had visions of Susan breaking into Wild Horses and Wilson kicking me off the stage.”

BOXING legends Jim Watt and Barry McGuigan honoured Outstanding Bravery winner Asif Iqbal, 43, who pulled a stranger from a burning car.

Barry said: “We all hope we would do what Asif did. He’s one brave man. It was an honour presenting to Asif alongside my hero Jim Watt who I looked up to as a teenager and sparred against at the Royal Oak in London’s Canning Town.”

Jim added: “I know we are boxers and faced a lot in the ring but it takes even more courage to do what Asif did.”

CELTIC footballer Greg Taylor praised Teenager of Courage Lochlan Murdoch, 15, who set up a charity to raise awareness of Type 1 diabetes and educate sports coaches.

Greg said: “I remember Lochlan from my days playing at Kilmarnock. He has always been an inspiration and is a credit to his parents”

Sports presenter Eilidh Barbour added: “Playing sport is the greatest gift in the world and not being able to do it because of a condition that can be managed if the coaches are aware is heartbreaking. Lochlan is making sure kids with diabetes can follow their dreams.”

TAGGART star Blythe Duff was full of praise for Prince’s Trust Young Achiever Sarah Garvin, 30, who runs a successful cake business and mentors other young women with ADHD.

She said: “I wouldn’t been where I am today if the Prince’s Trust had not given money towards my acting classes and seeing Sarah paying back the good will she has had from the charity is awe-inspiring. She is encouraging the next generation to achieve their business goals.”

STAR Wars actor Denis Lawson said he was blown away by Special Recognition winner John Aitchison, 46, who helped set up the first Fire and Rescue Service on Mount Everest.

He said: “Not only is John a firefighter and saving lives during his day job - he is also off helping making other country’s safe. The work he is doing in Nepal is amazing.”

STV newsreader Kelly Ann Woodland added: “What a hero! Fighting fires, setting up teams abroad and also acting as a mental health mentor - is there nothing this brilliant man doesn’t do.”

TWO Doors down star Doon Mackichan was moved by TSB Community Heroes Molly Cuddihy, 21, and Sara Millar, 20, who raised money for a hospital playroom while being treated for cancer.

She said: “What amazing girls!! To think of others when they were both going through one of the worst times of their life! My son was diagnosed with leukaemia when he was nine so I know what having an incredible playroom in the hospital like the one Molly and Sara fundraised for would have meant the world to him.”

Basketball star Kieron Achara added: “What a credit these brave young women are to Scotland.”

SCOT Squad actor Grado felt intimidated meeting PC Andrew McLaughlin and Ibrahim Malik who picked up the Emergency Services Award for apprehending a machete-wielding car thief.

He said: “As Hugh McKirdy my only job is to make folk laugh whereas these two are the real McCoy - out chasging armed thieves Starsky & Hutch style. If I was in the same situation I would have s*&% myself. We should be ever so proud of our emergency services as they put their lives on the line every day and to them it’s just part of the job.”