Stewed apples

 Stewed apples recipe.
Stewed apples recipe.

These stewed apples can be served at breakfast with yogurt, as an accompaniment to roast pork, or as the base for a delicious crumble or sweet pie. 

Paired with our crumble topping, these stewed apples make a fantastic cheap, quick, and easy pudding. Perfect at any time of year and using store cupboard ingredients. These stewed apples are a great use for any homegrown apples you’ve foraged and don’t know how to use them up.

Use these stewed apples in our apple crumble recipe, as well as the Hairy Bikers' seasonal apple and blackberry crumble. Alternatively, if you're looking for something a lot smoother to make with your apples, apple sauce is a great choice - plus it takes just 15 minutes to prep.


  • 500g apples, cored, peeled and quartered

  • 50g caster sugar


  1. Slice the apples evenly and place in a medium size pan with the sugar and 1tbsp water. Cover the pan with a lid and put it on the hob over a medium heat. When it comes to the boil, put the timer on for 5 minutes and leave to cook.

  2. Occasionally give the pan a shake to make sure nothing is sticking. After about 4 minutes the apple slices should have broken down and look fluffy.

  3. Cook for a further 1-2 minutes or until the apple is fluffy but a few chunks are still visible. Taste the mixture, adding more sugar if required.

  4. Leave to cool then spoon into a bowl or sterilised jars.

Watch how to make stewed apples

Top tips for making stewed apples

This is a great basic recipe but you can elevate it very easily with the addition of a few spices. Add a couple of cloves or a cinnamon stick to the pan in step one and then remove when the mixture is cooled. Swap the water for lemon juice for a sharper flavour and use soft brown sugar instead of caster if you want some caramel flavour notes.

For more flavour ideas and serving suggestions for these stewed apples, continue reading below.

What apples are best to use for this stewed apples recipe?

If you prefer a coarser texture, it’s best to opt for an apple that is known for holding its shape and texture like Granny Smith apples. These apples have a much tangier, punchier flavour, so if you’re looking for something a little more subtle, opt for Bramley as they will result in a softer, sweeter stewed apple mix.

You could use a combination of cooking and eating apples. Dice the eating apples and mix into the warm mixture at the end of cooking for a delicious texture combination of soft apples and some crunchier chunks.

Can you stew apples with the skin on?

If you want a chunkier, more textured apple filling opt for keeping the skin on. The skin is also packed full of health-benefiting nutrients so it's always worth keeping on for that factor.

For softer, looser stewed apple peel before cooking. Make sure you don’t overcook them. Taking the skin off will make the apple chunks become mushier quicker.

You could also cook with the skin on and then use a stick blender to achieve a smooth texture.

Our baked apples are the perfect example of apples cooked to perfection with the skin left on; flavoursome, juicy, and sweet.

Can you freeze stewed apples?

While this stewed apples recipe keeps for a week in the fridge, it can also be frozen to be used at a later date.

Once the apples are cooked, make sure they cool completely before putting them into the freezer. One of the clever ways to use ice cube trays is to add stewed apples to them and then freeze them. Alternatively, portion the apples up in plastic containers or freezer bags, before placing them in your freezer. They will keep up to 6 months in the freezer.

How long do stewed apples last?

When stored correctly in the fridge, these stewed apples will be kept for around a week. However, if you’re enjoying them for breakfast and dessert, we don’t think they will be around long enough for you to worry.

Can I stew apples without sugar?

If you are using apples to make the recipe, like Pink Lady, Gala, or Jazz for example, you could reduce the sugar because these apples are naturally sweeter. However, cooking apples and varieties like Granny Smith tend to be more acidic and sour and benefit from the sugar to balance the flavours. If you like, you could use unrefined sugar substitutes, such as coconut sugar, or use a tablespoon or two of honey or maple syrup instead.

To make this recipe you need a medium saucepan with a matching lid. This 16cm pan from Le Creuset is a great versatile choice and a good investment if you need some new kitchen pans. 

Le Creuset 3-Ply Stainless Steel Lidded Saucepan 16cm - View at John Lewis

This stainless steel pan looks timeless and will fit seamlessly into any kitchen. It has a comfortable handle and has a good weight to it which makes it feel very sturdy. If you have a gas hob, be careful as the handle can become hot.

And it's not just recipes like James Martin's apple crumble that call for stewed apples, oh no - think classic apple pie topped with shortcrust pastry or even apple and cinnamon porridge. The perfect breakfast or evening supper choice.