'Stop talking, start building' - Residents' message to council over new River Trent bridge

CGI rendering of the new bridge. A grey footbridge, suspended by a semi-circular structure with cables undewrneath
An artist's impression of the new bridge over the River Trent -Credit:Nottingham City Council

Nottinghamshire Live readers have called for less talk more action as plans for a new bridge over the River Trent moved a step nearer. The planned 87-metre-long pedestrian and cycle 'Waterside Bridge', which comes with a hefty £12m price tag, has been received with mixed feelings of excitement and doubt.

The city council has clarified that the first new river crossing in the city for over six decades would be financed through the Department for Transport's Transforming Cities Fund. One reader Jobsoworth2021 voiced their exasperation, commenting: "When will they stop talking about this and actually just build it?

"This country is an absolute joke when it comes to infrastructure of any kind. It's always overpriced and takes donkeys years to get started. Imagine the Victorians being beamed to 2024, they would be disgusted at how inept we have become."

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User Lincolnmagpie said: "The government is pushing us into electric cars, make city centre available to them and build this bridge to get them there."

Albertsssss commented: "The government ought to be pushing us away from car dependency - by making sustainable and active travel choices for example - and this bridge starts to help us do that. This bridge is not for cars though, electric or otherwise."

Hugh_j said: "When you look at a map of Nottingham & suburbs with an open mind; and you have funding for a foot/cycle bridge; to me personally, I’d think the obvious place would be: Clifton to Beeston, or Radcliffe to Colwick. Taking into consideration there is already a pedestrian crossing at both Trent Bridge and Ladybay, close to this new site. But hey, I wasn’t on the mystery panel. I’m sure the East-siders will love it."

Borisdepfeffeljohnson said: "There was plan to put a foot/cycle bridge further down the river to Colwick Park years ago, but the Nottingham Sailing club objected because it would interfere with their activities. When you are building pedestrian/cycle bridges across the Trent you have to start somewhere and here is as good as anywhere."

Dodger1p said: "£12 million and cars can't use it. Why not spend it on fixing potholes or helping the homeless with affordable housing. Or giving it to pay carers to do their jobs. Oh and here's an idea... finishing Broadmarsh!"

So is this bridge a good idea or is it crossing the line? Let us know in the comments below or HERE.