Stourbridge candidates on why you should vote for them

Stourbridge general election candidates - top l-r - Suzanne Webb (Conservative), Labour's Cat Eccles,, and below l-r Chris Bramall (Lib Dems), Stephen Price (Greens), Ramzan Mohammed (Independent) and Reform UK's Richard Shaw <i>(Image: Handout images)</i>
Stourbridge general election candidates - top l-r - Suzanne Webb (Conservative), Labour's Cat Eccles,, and below l-r Chris Bramall (Lib Dems), Stephen Price (Greens), Ramzan Mohammed (Independent) and Reform UK's Richard Shaw (Image: Handout images)

STOURBRIDGE’S candidates for the general election have shared their reasons for standing for Parliament and what they’d do if elected on July 4.

Voters go to the polls next Thursday to select who they want to see installed as their MP to represent them.

Candidates have spoken about their hopes and aims as polling day nears.

This is what each candidate has said about themselves and their reasons for wanting to be a Member of Parliament.

The list is in alphabetical order.

Chris Bramall – Liberal Democrats

Chris Bramall - Liberal Democrats (Image: Chris Bramall / Liberal Democrats)

I’m Chris Bramall, Liberal Democrat candidate for Stourbridge.

The most important issue is to get a government who are serious about fighting climate change. Our children, grandchildren, the future of the human race depends on this.

And to fight pollution – plastic world-wide, and sewage in our rivers;  to protect wildlife and the natural environment.

The Conservatives have shamefully neglected public services – the NHS, social services, social housing, libraries, police, the military services. To repair public services, and build a fairer society, means spending money – not slashing taxes. The wealthy must pay more.

We must work with allies to support Ukraine.  And to ensure peace between Israel and Palestine.  Immigration policy should: allow refugees to legally claim asylum; recognise that many industries rely on immigrant labour; encourage foreign students; allow proper control of our borders. We should restore links with Europe, and rejoin the EU.

I’m a veteran Stourbridge campaigner. Born in London in1942, I’ve lived 35 years in Wollaston. I’ve degrees in economics and politics, international studies, and West Midlands history. I was a schoolteacher, then a solicitor. I was nine years a councillor for Norton. I play a drum (djembe) in St Michael’s, Norton, worship group. I’m married to Helen.

Cat Eccles – Labour

Cat Eccles - Labour Party (Image: Cat Eccles / Labour Party)

I am not a career politician - I’m a Stourbridge resident and NHS worker, and I became frustrated with the constant cuts to public services and not feeling represented by those in power.

I believe Stourbridge deserves to be represented by someone local who understands the challenges faced by local people.

As a councillor for Wollaston and Stourbridge Town, I have a proven record of campaigning and delivering for the area.

I campaigned to remove local greenbelt land from the Black Country Plan, Save Dudley Libraries, Save Stourbridge College, and Save Stourbridge Junction ticket office. During the pandemic I helped run a Covid Support Group to provide assistance to residents who were shielding, and also organised production and distribution of over 10000 face shields to those in need of PPE.

I will always fight to protect greenbelt and green spaces, build desperately needed affordable homes, cut energy bills with Great British Energy, fix the NHS and slash waiting lists, tackle crime and anti-social behaviour, increase opportunities for young people with more apprenticeships and a wider range of subjects, I will bang the drum for our town centres and High Streets to get them thriving once more.

We need a change from 14 years of Conservative chaos, with a bold plan to improve the lives of working people. Stourbridge deserves better.

Only Labour can make these changes. The message on the doors is clear - people want change, so let’s turn the page and work towards a better future for Britain.

Stephen Price – Green Party

Stephen Price - Green Party (Image: Stephen Price / Green Party)

I am the Green Party candidate for Stourbridge.

As a senior professional, I have led transformation for both public and commercial organisations and know what it takes to deliver change.

I worked as a scientist at London Zoo for 10 years, gaining a doctorate in infectious disease, before moving back to the Black Country five years ago. I now work in the education, am a governor at Red Hill school, and live with my young family in Oldswinford. I’m passionate about community and making sure that Stourbridge is the best it can possibly be.

I am no stranger to working hard: I’ve been personally renovating my home to the highest insulation and comfort standard and understand the challenges and benefits to comfortable, quality housing with low bills. If elected – I’ll push for this for all homes in our community.

I love Stourbridge but I think government is failing people in our area. We need real change. We need a government that invests in good jobs and quality services we can all be proud of.

We must start tackling wealth distribution in our society. The Green Party will ask those with more than £10m of wealth to pay an extra one per cent in tax, two per cent over £1bn. We would use this to invest properly in the NHS and social care.

Ramzan Mohammed - Workers Party of Britain

Ramzan Mohammed - Workers Party of Britain (Image: Ramzan Mohammed / Workers Party of Britain)

I am Ramzan Mohammed and I am standing as the Workers Party of Britain candidate for Stourbridge.  I have been working for the NHS for almost 20 years and was also a sessional youth worker for Dudley Council for a number of years.

The new Stourbridge constituency boundary has taken a third of the old Dudley South seat — which means that there are clear pockets of deprivation.  I believe any new MP will have to focus on problems many in the community face, such as the cost of living, transport, crime and justice and education. I feel that the vast majority, including the white working class, have been neglected for a very long time by both Tory and Labour and this is certainly not about to change under Labour if they get in.

I have a track record of running community projects, tackling health and digital  inequalities through sports and recreational activities which came about during the Covid pandemic.

On July 4 you can make history by electing me Ramzan Mohammed for the Workers Party of Britain. I will bring about transformational change to our communities and be a voice for you in Parliament. Don't let this be a tug of war between Labour and the Tories, they have taken your votes for granted.  Yes this is a new party, but a party with traditional roots, giving power back to the residents and workers.

Richard Shaw – Reform UK

Richard Shaw - Reform UK (Image: Richard Shaw / Reform UK)

I'm standing for Reform UK because Britain isn't functioning the way it should. Healthcare, education, transport, housing. Nothing is working, because our population is increasing more rapidly than we can expand capacity.

After 14 years of Tory incompetence, it's easy to forget that it was Labour that opened the door to mass-migration, introduced tuition fees, sold our gold at 20 year lows, then borrowed so much they almost bankrupted the nation. The Liberal Democrats plan to increase migration, further exerting public services beyond breaking. The Greens are a single issue party driving us towards net-zero. Our CO2 output is less than 0.9 per cent of global output. We should be sponsoring schemes to protect the rainforest and clean the oceans. These things naturally absorb and trap CO2. There we can make a positive impact. Instead, they want us to spend £60bn a year and ruin our productivity to reach net zero. Why? To save the planet...With our one per cent...Really it's so they can levy “green taxes” on anything producing CO2.

We don't pedal an ideology. We say what we see. We want to fix broken Britain. Reduce crime, better education, shorter waiting lists, lower taxes. The things that matter.

Suzanne Webb – Conservative Party

Suzanne Webb - Conservative Party (Image: Suzanne Webb / Conservative Party)

A vote for me is a vote for putting Stourbridge Constituency front and centre at Westminster. I am the local and experienced candidate with a track record of success in our town.

We now have a much-needed police base coming soon to Stourbridge High Street and I won't stop there; I am campaigning to keep a police base close to Brierley Hill High Street.

I have been successful with regeneration money for Stourbridge town and Lye is coming online, our green spaces are more protected from development thanks to my efforts and those of our brilliant community groups and Conservative councillors.

But there is much to still achieve.

I want to see a knife free constituency and I will continue to work with schools and campaign groups till this is done. I will also redouble my efforts to get the Stourbridge Dasher train service up and running to Brierley Hill. Regeneration, safer streets, and better transport links are vital if my priority for more jobs, houses and investment for Stourbridge is to continue, and of course,

I won’t rest until we see Justice for Ryan. This is my focus because we do not want this progress put in jeopardy.