Stranger Things 2 To Focus On Eleven’s Backstory

After hitting our screens (well, laptops) last year and blowing everyone’s minds, Netflix’s Stranger Things has become something of a cult classic – with characters like Barb and Eleven becoming firm fan favourites.

Now, last time we see Barb she was getting eaten by / killed by / having
a bit of a mare with one of the creepy Demogorgon things – but Eleven?

Well, it all ended on a bit of a cliffhanger, didn’t it?

You might remember that Eleven – the child with supernatural powers and the v. on-trend haircut – appeared to sacrifice herself to the Demogorgon (the weird creepy thing that goes round killing everyone and generally being a bit destructive) in order to save everyone else.

However, one of the show’s co-creators Matt Duffer has confirmed that the character, played by the extremely talented Millie Bobby Brown, will be returning to the new series later on this year.

Crucially, we’ll be able to find out more about Eleven – also known as Jane Ives – and her backstory.

“I want people to know that she’s back and she’s a major part of the season and not know how or why,” co-creator Matt Duffer told Entertainment Weekly.

“We do get into her story and backstory. We learn about where she came from and how she came into the world and the program that resulted in her.”

Millie, who’s become the toast of Hollywood since appearing on the hit show, also confirmed that the Eleven will get a big storyline next series, and that it’s going to be pretty emotional.

“She has a storyline this season for her, and it’s an emotional transition,” Millie said.

“Last season I didn’t get to expand [on the character] — this season is giving me that opportunity.”

The new series will also focus on Will – the boy who got abducted into the parrallel universe last time – and his return to ‘normality’.

And whilst we’ll see new characters joining the show, redheaded icon Barb will NOT be returning to the show.

Guess she’s pretty much snuffed it then, poor lass.