Street wakes up to sirens as tragedy falls on south Manchester community

Detectives and forensics gathered evidence and information from Platt Lane, where tragedy unfolded
-Credit: (Image: Sean Hansford | Manchester Evening News)

Shock and confusion rippled across a south Manchester community as neighbours woke up to an unfolding tragedy. Police descended on Platt Lane, in Fallowfield, at around 8.50am today (July 1) following reports that a man had been found dead.

Neighbours witnessed a major response from police and paramedics, as the road was sealed off between Lloyd Street South and Aston Avenue. Forensics officers combed the scene for evidence.

But it wasn't until later in the afternoon that the reason for the police's presence became clear. "We heard loads of sirens and things going on," one resident living close to the cordon said.

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"It must have been something serious because there were so many police going up and down the road. When I came out this morning to do a bit of shopping, I looked like the whole street was cordoned off.

"There were people in complete white overalls taking pictures and checking the place over. I've never seen anything like this kind of detailed investigation. The officers were in the back of a property as well, taking pictures."

A major police presence descended on Platt Lane
A major police presence descended on Platt Lane -Credit:Sean Hansford | Manchester Evening News

Some neighbours woke up to the sound of sirens outside their home. As the hours ticked by, detectives knocked on doors along Platt Lane and the surrounding streets, including Lloyd Street South, to gather information.

One Platt Lane resident said: "In the morning the police came. They asked about this incident. I told him I didn't hear any noises, I don't know what happened.

"There were ambulances, police cars, I think dogs as well with the police. But we don't know what happened, the police didn't tell us anything."

Officers spoke to neighbours close to the scene
Officers spoke to neighbours close to the scene -Credit:Sean Hansford | Manchester Evening News

Other neighbours 'thought there had been an accident' on the road, having seen 'loads of ambulances and cop cars'. But officers focused their investigations on one Platt Lane house, where tragedy had struck.

By the afternoon, word began to spread among neighbours about the death of someone in their community. Some expressed their shock and sadness as they walked past the scene.

Greater Manchester Police later confirmed that a man in his 60s had been pronounced dead. It's understood his next of kin have been informed.

Forensics spent hours on the scene
Forensics spent hours on the scene -Credit:Sean Hansford | Manchester Evening News

One resident said: "We only heard about it this morning, the police came round knocking on our door. You don't know what's going on on your doorstep."

Police are yet to confirm whether there are any suspicious circumstances surrounding the incident, as enquiries continue. A GMP spokesman said: "At around 8.50am this morning (Monday, July 1 2024), we were called to reports of a deceased male at an address on Platt Lane, Manchester.

"Sadly, a man in his 60s was confirmed deceased at the scene. Our officers remain at the address and a scene is place while we carry out our investigations."