Jamie Lee Curtis, 63, posed totally nude for the first time

Right before the premiere of the final movie in the Halloween series, Jamie Lee Curtis posed naked in a new photo of her hiding behind a rock. Talk about being all natural!

The photo, which originally appeared in The New York Times, shows off the beautiful background that Jamie seems to almost seamlessly blend into. I'm getting total Eve in the Garden of Eden vibes.

You may not know this about the Freaky Friday actress, but she's a huge fan of photography and has even dabbled in taking her own photos.

'Most people don't know this but I'm a photographer. My whole life. I've collected photographs and supported artists. I've been following the work of Ryan Pfluger for a long, long time. I've seen the beautiful portraiture and incredible saturation of colour and light and honesty in his work,' she wrote in her Instagram caption. 'This colour work is beautiful and I am honoured to have been in front of his lens and eye and heart!'

'GORGEOUS,' one fan responded in the comments. 'THANK YOU JAMIE. 👏 YOUR SUCH A ICON,' another wrote. A third follower called the celeb, 'Simply Beautiful 🔥.'

It truly is a stunning composition made only more breathtaking by Jamie's strong all-over body.

When it comes to her workout routine, Jamie is a big fan of taking long walks with friends. 'I walk with girlfriends,' she told OK! Magazine in 2021. She added that the social exercise method is 'incredibly good for you.' Love a good multitasking moment.

The 63-year-old actress also posed in a bathing suit and fishnets during The NYT photoshoot. She hopped in the pool and layered a long, black blazer on top of the 'fit. The dark coat looks a lot like a cape to me—spooky season must really be in full force!

Jamie keeps her skincare routine simple and easy. She told Today in 2018 that her routine will 'shake you to your core' and shared that she is definitely a drugstore beauty fan.

To get her youthful glow, Jamie uses 'Sea Breeze and Nivea. Water and sleep. Sea Breeze is that astringent. I’ve been using that my whole life,' she said.

Jamie has been a TV star for nearly 44 years, so she's no stranger to the spotlight. She's also been up-front about the process of ageing and is adamant about not colouring her grey hair, per The NYT.

Jamie recently said in an Instagram video that she's 'pro-ageing,' according to Prevention. 'I want to age with intelligence and grace and dignity and verve and energy.'

The actress previously experimented with Botox and liposuction but currently is not a fan of any cosmetic procedures and opts for a natural look, The NYT reported.

Jamie shared in a personal essay for People that her Halloween character taught her a lot of valuable traits which have influenced her life and her positive outlook. 'I am trying to figure out how to say goodbye to Laurie, who has taught me the meaning of the words "resilience," "loyalty," "perseverance" and "COURAGE."' Beautiful and bittersweet.

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