Summer alert as bug with 'most painful bite in UK' can tear through clothes

As gorgeous as they make summer seem, the sunny season isn't without its perils - from dehydration and sunburn to those horrid insect bites lurking around.

Topping the list of biters you don't want to tangle with in the UK horseflies. These pests gear up for action from May through September, peaking in the summer months.

With a penchant for all things equestrian, it's no surprise that horseflies are often spotted in a frenzy near stables and pastures. While their bites pack a punch, generally, they're more of a nuisance than a risk to us humans.


Only the ladies in the horsefly world are out for blood literally. They need the red stuff to get their eggs up and going after getting fertilised.

The gents, meanwhile, hang back since they've got no eggs to worry about, reports GloucestershireLive. The experts over at the Cleveland Clinic have dubbed female horseflies "relentless" thanks to their well-honed mouthparts designed to slice right through skin until they hit paydirt - your blood vessels. From there, they mop up the bloody mess with their spongey tongues.

Sneaky little things, horseflies can land on you without a trace, courtesy of their light build and small stature ranging from 1 to 2.5cm. Dr Daniel Whitmore from the Natural History Museum, who knows a thing or two about flies, said a horsefly bite is "much less sophisticated" compared to the likes of mosquitoes.

He reckons it's probably because their usual targets, like cows and horses, come with tougher hides than we do. But make no mistake, they'll happily go after any sizable mammal that crosses their path.

It's possible to have an allergic reaction to a bite or develop an infection from it. In very rare cases, a horsefly can pass on a bacterial infection called tularemia - also known as 'rabbit fever' - through a bite. Occasionally, a horsefly bite may cause dizziness and leave you feeling breathlessness.

One of the easiest ways to avoid being bitten is to cover up. But, according to Dr Whitmore, even this might not be 100% effective.

He said: "Horsefly females have such strong, powerful mouthparts that they can sometimes bite you through your clothes. But obviously they are more likely to go for bare skin."

How do you know if you've been bitten?

Horsefly bites can be quite painful, causing redness and itchiness that may lead to infection. The bites can quickly swell into uncomfortable bumps and may even ooze if infected.

Some people also report feeling hot, weak and nauseous. Get in touch with your doctor if you're suffering from an infection.

In severe cases, some people can suffer an allergic reaction with symptoms including dizziness, wheezing, difficulty breathing, a blotchy skin rash and severe swelling that may be visible in your lips or tongue. If you suffer any of these reactions, seek medical help immediately.

What to do if you've been bitten

Healthline suggests that if you're bitten by a horsefly, disinfect the wound and apply antiseptic cream. Most bites will heal on their own but you should still watch for signs of infection. If you have difficulty breathing, a rash, or worsening pain, see a doctor immediately.