Supermarket shoppers warned over little-known car park restriction for parents

Supermarket car park with pedestrian 'zebra' crossings, Harlow, Hertfordshire, UK. (Photo by BuildPix/Construction Photography/Avalon/Getty Images)
-Credit: (Image: Construction Photography/Avalon/Contributor)

Motorists are being cautioned about obscure parking regulations at supermarket car parks, which could result in an unexpected fine alongside your groceries.

Each supermarket car park is peppered with small signs that detail the rules for parking, such as time limits and other terms and conditions. Despite most supermarket car parks being free of charge, it's important to be aware of these often-overlooked terms - they are enforced.

A lesser-known rule concerns parent and child parking spaces. These bays, once referred to as mother and child parking, have evolved to welcome dads too and are typically found close to the store entrance.

However, many shoppers may not be aware that there is an age restriction on these bays. If your child is over 12 years old, drivers aren't permitted to use them, even if you're just making a quick stop with your teenager to grab some essentials.

As reported by the Express, Avalon Motor Co says: "In almost all supermarket car parks, you'll find designated spaces for parent and child parking, and they're usually closer to the store doors to save parents having to cross more of the busy car park than is necessary."

"Whilst it can seem ambiguous as to who can park there, we're here to clear things up: you can park in a parent and child parking space if you're entering the shop with a child that is under 12 years old."

Shopping cart, parked between two cars
Shopping cart, parked between two cars

This is because 12 is the age up to which a child must legally be secured in the vehicle using child restraints, such as child car seats.

Motorists are being warned that they could face a hefty fine if they use parent and child parking bays when they shouldn't, "If you're going into the shop on your own and leaving a child with another adult in the car, you must use an ordinary parking space."

Drivers are being warned that they could face fines known as Parking Charge Notices because most supermarket car parks are run by private firms who use cameras for enforcement.