Sylvester Stallone says he and Arnold Schwarzenegger 'truly loathed each other' in the 1990s: 'At least I wasn't pregnant in a film'

  • Sylvester Stallone explained his feud with Arnold Schwarzenegger in the 1990s.

  • The "Rambo" and "Rocky" star actively chased a role Schwarzenegger wanted, but it was a clever trap.

  • Stallone later appeared in the poorly received comedy, "Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot."

Sylvester Stallone is best known for starring in a number of beloved movies over the years, like "Rocky," "Creed" "Rambo," and "The Expendables," but he's making the jump over to TV in 2022 with Taylor Sheridan's "Tulsa King."

The Paramount+ series from the "Yellowstone" creator sees Stallone as Dwight Manfredi, a former mafia capo who moves to Tulsa, Oklahoma, when he gets out of prison. The star appeared on "The Jonathan Ross Show" in the UK on Saturday to talk about the series, and his impressive career, when he touched on his feud with Arnold Schwarzenegger in the 1990s.

Stallone explained: "We couldn't stand to be in the same galaxy together for a while. We truly, truly loathed each other."

According to Stallone, this led to a rivalry between the two about the projects they were working on

Stallone explained that "The Terminator" star baited him into taking a role in a movie Schwarzenegger knew wouldn't be great.

Stallone said: "He's quite clever. He goes around town saying, 'I can't wait to do this film…' I go to my agent, 'Get that thing away from him. Get people options on me.'"

Unfortunately for the star, he landed the leading role in "Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot" opposite Estelle Getty and regretted it almost instantly, which was all part of Schwarzenegger's plan.

The actor added: "I got it and I said, 'What a piece of shit this is.' He goes, 'Ha ha ha!'"

But Stallone tried to have the last laugh by pointing out Schwarzenegger has taken on a bad role himself occasionally, pointing at Ivan Reitman's "Junior."

The 1994 comedy sees the "Predator" and "Commando" star play a scientist who gets himself pregnant using an experimental drug, and it has a poor 22% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes.

Stallone joked: "At least I wasn't pregnant in a film, Arnold. We're even."

At least the two stars' rivalry is behind them, and they've since appeared opposite each other in "The Expendables" and "Escape Plan."

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