I Can’t Agree To Day Drinking As A General Rule, But This Late Night Video Of Seth Meyers And Kelly Clarkson Doing It Is Great

 Seth Meyers and Kelly Clarkson engage in spirited daydrinking 2023. .
Seth Meyers and Kelly Clarkson engage in spirited daydrinking 2023. .

There was a point in my life where day-drinking seemed like a good idea on occasion. Early morning soccer games turned into boozy brunches, or pre-gaming before a football game could be an acceptable or normal activity. But like many other millennials those days are past, though I’m OK with longtime-SNL star Seth Meyers and Kelly Clarkson seemingly having the best time while indulging in this cold weather.

A short while back the daytime host and the late night host took a break from their regular TV schedule tapings in order to participate in some light – OK more like heavy – day drinking. Both Clarkson and Meyers seemed to have a really fun time in the endeavor, and you can check out the full video below.

My day-drinking days may be over, but I can still enjoy celebs cutting loose and having a blast. But what do you need for a successful day-drinking endeavor? A roaring fire? Check. Cocktails with funny names? Check. (Seth Meyers created one called the Simon Cowell nodding at the singer’s American Ido past;  Clarkson and Simon Cowell are pals in real life.) Word games with f-bombs? Check. Screaming "I loved the movie From Justin To Kelly"  from the rooftops -- literally? Check.

Also as a sidebar--you should really know Clarkson hated working on From Justin to Kelly. She even once half-joked to her nanny she would "fire" her over her love of the Justin Guarini movie.

Meanwhile, in case you wondered, Seth Meyers does actually get drunk during his day drinking sessions, so it’s not fake-for-the-cameras stuff. He told James Corden before he retired:

Not only [is it real], we have to edit out some of the drinking just for time. So whatever you see it’s like 40% more than that. Rihanna was the drunkest I’ve ever been I think. And it was worth every second of it.

In fact, while Martha Stewart may still be my day-drinking fave, he once admitted the drunkest he got was with Rihanna in a session that included taking shots out of chocolate bunnies and trying to force out a nickname. That delightful montage has also lived on on the interwebs for years, and still crops up occasionally, but if you missed it...

Meyers also once mentioned to Corden that during the drunk-with-Rihanna session he got a little too schwasty-faced and ended up passing out in the hallway of his home. His wife "passive aggressively" put a glass of water by his face before going to bed, so sometimes these shenanigans get a little out of hand. But for the most part, they make for great TV. So I'd assume as long as Meyers can keep up, the segments will be an occasional part of his repertoire.