Taking At Least One Selfie A Day ‘Makes You Happier,’ Scientists Claim

Pouting selfies might not be everybody’s cup of tea, but taking them - and sending them to friends - actually makes people happier, according to new research.

Scientists say that taking one selfie a day is enough to boost confidence and leave people feeling happier with themselves.

Researchers asked student volunteers to take selfies every day - and contrasted them with others groups who took pictures of objects which made them happy.

Another group took pictures which they believed would make other people feel happier.

The group who took the selfies were the happiest, the researchers say.

‘Our research showed that practicing exercises that can promote happiness via smartphone picture taking and sharing can lead to increased positive feelings for those who engage in it,’ said lead author Yu Chen of the University of California, Irvine.

'This is particularly useful information for returning college students to be aware of, since they face many sources of pressure.’

'The good news is that despite their susceptibility to strain, most college students constantly carry around a mobile device, which can be used for stress relief,’

'Added to that are many applications and social media tools that make it easy to produce and send images.’