Tales of the unexpected at historic hall as chairman of friends' association retires

New chairman Stephen Brown (right) with outgoing chairman David Williams (left) <i>(Image: Friends of Smithills Hall)</i>
New chairman Stephen Brown (right) with outgoing chairman David Williams (left) (Image: Friends of Smithills Hall)

The chairman of a Bolton charity has retired after being in the role for 16 years.

David Williams has been involved with the Friends of Smithills Hall for nearly 20 years.

The group, which has around 140 members, provides tours around the historic hall, which is one of Bolton’s most visited places.

David has been involved in writing booklets, producing bulletins, and researching history at the site.

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However, the 82-year-old has now retired from the role, passing the leadership to incoming leader Stephen Brown, who became involved in the charity just over two years ago.

Stephen, aged 75, said: “In some respects you’d say – how do you replace him? Someone who’s given nearly 20 years to the place. He’s quite an act to follow. He just loves the place.

“He spends so much time here, and he’s a devotee of local history, and he wants to share that with the population of Bolton.”

Originally from Liverpool, David, who has been a member of the charity since he retired from work in 2002, says his favourite part of the charity is getting to meet the people of Bolton.

David said: “It’s wonderful meeting people, talking about a very, very interesting hall with lots of stories and ghost stories as well – we have ghost nights.”

He told the Bolton News that he has experienced suspected paranormal activity in the hall’s ‘Green Room’ – the Ainsworths’ former parlour – himself.

The Bradshaw resident remembered: “One day I was leading a tour through, and I always go and check if there’s any dawdlers – because there’s no point saying the same thing twice or three times if you can avoid it.

Retiring secretary Sue Priest received engraved cut glass wine goblets from the new chairman (Image: Friends of Smithills Hall)

“I guided them through to the next room, and as I was coming back to check on the dawdlers I heard a noise, and this glass – which was quite a heavy upturned wine glass – suddenly just tilted over and fell on its side, and started rolling towards the edge of the table.

“My first insitinct is ‘got to stop it falling because it’s going to smash’. I caught it, put it back and then thought ‘why did it do that when none of the other glasses moved?’, none of the other glasses vibrated or made a noise.

“I say to the public when I’m talking about this – being a Liverpudlian of course – that must have been the spirits. I’m not the only one to have seen that glass move.

“Some of the staff have come in and found glasses on their side, and they don’t know why. There’s no vibration we can hear or feel, it’s just odd.

“When we’ve got paranormal groups in, they reckon there’s more activity in that room than any room.”

David will now be spending more time with his family – though he still plans to remain involved in the charity and to give a tour of the hall in July.

New leader Stephen became involved with the charity after reading an advert and coming along to a meeting.

Prior to becoming leader, he recruited and trained volunteers to become tour guides at the hall, which can be visited free of charge.

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The charity also organises guided tours for larger groups. Now, he said he’s excited to take the reins.

Stephen said: “On Friday, for example, we’ve got a coach party of about 60 people coming to go around the place.

“Over the year we probably do about 35-40 tours and maybe four or five hundred people come on for a 90-minute excursion where we take them room-by-room and tell them about the people who lived here and events that have taken place.”

In July, the hall will be gearing up for its summer garden party, which will take place on July 14 – with 4,000 people expected to attend.

Those looking to book a guided tour at the Hall can contact 01204 332812.

If you have a story, I cover the whole borough of Bolton. Please get in touch at jack.fifield@newsquest.co.uk.