Teary Lily Allen apologises to refugees in Calais

After fleeing war in the middle east to live in squalid conditions in a makeshift refugee camp on the outskirts of Calais, you’d think that the kids in the Jungle has suffered enough, wouldn’t you?

Well, apparently not. Now the BBC has whisked pop star Lily Allen over to conduct some teary-eyed interviews – and even issue an emotional apology on behalf of the country.

Surely it’s time we gave these kids some respite once and for all?

Lily Allen

The 31-year-old singer broke down in tears while interviewing a 13-year-old boy from Afghanistan who was repeatedly risked his life trying to enter the country by trying to board UK-bound lorries.

He explained that he fled Afghanistan because he was caught between the Taliban and ISIS, and his father sold land in a bid to get them to the UK. His dad lives in Birmingham, but he has been stuck in the Jungle for two months.

“It just seems that at three different intervals in this young boy’s life, the English in particular have put you in danger,” Lily said. “We’ve bombed your country, put you in the hands of the Taliban and now put you in danger of risking your life to get into our country.

Lily Allen
Lily Allen

“I apologise on behalf of my country. I’m sorry for what we have put you through,” she added.

Oh, and you may well remember that Lily attended a swanky garden party alongside the likes of Nigel Farage and Rupert Murdoch a few months ago – so how does that square with her Calais visit?

Well, addressing the obvious contrast between her own situation and the plight of the kids in Calais, Lily admitted that she often “sits next to millionaires at dinner” and would like to be able to ask them to “put their hands in their pocket”.

Hmmm… asking Nigel Farage for a few quid to help out the kids in the Calais Jungle? Good luck with that one, Lily.

Nice shoes by the way, Nigel. Very British.

“I hope my visit will shine a light on the situation, humanise the people that are there,” Lily explained in the film, which was made for the BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire show.

“At the moment what I read is all these articles that are very dehumanising, about people… and about children.”

Lily Allen
Lily Allen

French president Francois Hollande has vowed that the camp will close before winter, and its inhabitants will be dispersed around France. However, homelessness charity Emmaus has called for a postponement to the closure because it says “all conditions are not met for an efficient humanitarian operation to take place”.

“It would seem to me that there are people who have been driven very far away from what they know and love, stability and comfort,” Lily concluded.”I don’t think anyone would choose to live in the Jungle. No-one would choose that.”