Teenage women in Leicester nightclub row leads to robbery and bloody violence

The trouble started at the Fan Club in Abbey Street, Leicester
The trouble started at the Fan Club in Abbey Street, Leicester -Credit:Google

A violent revenge attack saw two teenage women, their faces covered in blood, punching another female and dragging her by her hair along Gallowtree Gate in Leicester city centre. The trouble had started at the Fan Club nightclub in Abbey Street in the early hours of Sunday, March 31.

Trainee hairdresser Enya Baxter, 18, and a 16-year-old girl who cannot be named due to her age were followed out of the club by some other women, one of whom punched Baxter in the face, smashing her tooth, and robbed her. Baxter and the 16-year-old then struck back and their attack was caught on CCTV cameras in Gallowtree Gate.

At Leicester Magistrates' Court on Wednesday, April 17, both teenagers pleaded guilty to threatening behaviour to cause fear of unlawful violence against the robber, who has never been identified. The 16-year-old's case was adjourned for a youth court hearing and Baxter, of Packington Hill, Kegworth, near Loughborough, was sentenced for her part in the attack.

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Baxter had turned 18 two weeks before the incident. In her basis of plea statement, Baxter said the robber, who was not known to them, had shouted abuse at them inside the Fan Club then followed them outside and assaulted them, leading to Baxter and her friend responding with "excessive self-defence" in Gallowtree Gate.

Describing how the group of women appeared in the CCTV footage, prosecutor Richard Holt told Baxter: "They were all covered in blood. There were a lot of cuts to their faces.

"The CCTV footage shows both defendants punching the victim and holding her in a neck lock, dragging the victim, pulling her hair, and punching her. Both defendants had bruised noses and described themselves as having been punched."

Heather Glover, representing Baxter, told the court: "The night out was the celebration for her 18th birthday. Everything was going well.

"Two unknown females started shouting at them in the club and they followed them." She said one of the women punched Baxter, breaking her tooth, which cost £313 to replace, and also stole her phone and her passport.

Ms Glover said: "She over-reacted and didn't deal with it in the manner she should have." She said Baxter had a "difficult upbringing" and was taken into care due to her mother being an alcoholic.

But she said Baxter was doing a hairdressing apprenticeship, working three days a week and studying at Loughborough College.

Baxter was fined £128 and ordered to pay £85 court costs and a £51 victim surcharge.