The Tele donates to Children in Poverty Inverclyde in its 10th anniversary year

Children in Poverty Inverclyde chairman pictured with Tele editor David Goodwin <i>(Image: George Munro)</i>
Children in Poverty Inverclyde chairman pictured with Tele editor David Goodwin (Image: George Munro)

THE Tele is throwing its support behind one of Inverclyde's best loved charities on its 10th anniversary.

For the last decade Children in Poverty Inverclyde has changed lives by sending thousands of families on much needed breaks.

Set up by local businessman Pat Burke, it is a cause close to the hearts of so many and in that time they have raised more than £250,000.

But as the cost of living crisis has plunged even more families into poverty, Pat has worked with frontline services to help provide warm clothing, vouchers and Christmas presents.

Morton chairman John Laird with John McGovern and George Wall (Image: Alex Craig)

As our charity of year, we handed over £1,000 to Children in Poverty to help send families on holiday this summer.

We join with the likes of Morton which has a close relationship with the charity, to help improve the lives of struggling families.

Editor David Goodwin said: "It is a pleasure to be able to help such a worthwhile charity as Children in Poverty Inverclyde.

"The issue of poverty, with so many children having to go without, is a real and pressing one in our district, so I am really pleased to be able to help in a small way towards ensuring that as many local families as possible get a great and memorable holiday this summer."

Pat Burke set up the charity after growing increasingly outraged that 25 per cent of children in Inverclyde are living in poverty.

Sadly the situation has become more desperate in recent years, with first the pandemic and then the cost of living and energy crisis.

As well as providing thousands of breaks in the holidays, the charity has organised a number of events.

Every year they run a Christmas toy appeal as well as handing out vital necessities.

Kind-hearted Pat also goes above and beyond to help families in need along with his dedicated trustees.

But many local organisations and donors continue to support the charity including the John Laird, a sports entrepreneur who is now the Morton chairman.

The trustees recently handed over a trophy to Morton to mark their 150th anniversary.

Children in Poverty have close links with the club and they offer families opportunities to watch games.

Pat said: "Over the years, we have had a very close connection with Morton in the Community and now Morton Club Together.

"In the last 18 months they have provided us with 20 free tickets for every home for children to attend with parents.

"They also donated a magnificent £1,800 to us last February. In the past Morton in the Community donated Christmas toys to us with us reciprocating with fruit boxes.

"Club Chairman John Laird and his wife Michelle have been very prolific donors to us with over £10,000 in last six years, along with food and clothing vouchers and arranging Christmas dinner for families in that period.

"It is a real community club whose presence in our community is highly valued and much needed."

In recent months Children in Poverty continue to be supported with Old Gourock and Ashton Church donating £3,300.

St Columba's Kilmacolm pupil Roisin Devlin raised more £460 with a garden party.