Ten-year-old finds 'Second World War' grenade at bottom of garden

Rory had the shock of his life when he found a grenade. <i>(Image: Adam Houghton)</i>
Rory had the shock of his life when he found a grenade. (Image: Adam Houghton)

A TEN-year-old boy had the shock of his life as he went to recover his football at the bottom of his garden- and ended up finding a 'Second World War' grenade.

Adam Houghton, from Droitwich Road in Fernhill Heath, couldn't believe it when he heard his son Rory shout 'daddy, I've found a grenade.'

Mr Houghton saw his son Rory shaking as he looked down at the gravel after going to retrieve his football on Saturday afternoon.

To the pair's amazement, Rory had uncovered the grenade buried under the gravel at the end of his garden.

The grenade was mostly intact (Image: Adam Houghton)

Mr Houghton said he initially didn't believe his son but eventually went down the garden to see Rory holding the grenade.

Upon further inspection, a relieved Mr Houghton found there was nothing inside the grenade.

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"I couldn't believe it when I saw what it was," said Mr Houghton.

"Rory just stood still and he was shaking, he only went down that end of the garden to find his football.

"We have lived at this house for around four years now, you would have expected I would have seen it during that time while weeding or something."

After researching online, Mr Houghton and Rory discovered this grenade dated back to the Second World War.

Mr Houghton added: "We got an old toothbrush and cleaned it up, it's remarkable how intact it is considering how old it is and the fact it has been in the ground.

"You can see so many interesting details such as where the pin would have gone through and where you would squeeze it before you throw it."

Young Rory told the Worcester News he would like to keep the grenade and put it on display.

"He's going to have quite the story to tell when he goes back to school tomorrow," added Mr Houghton.

"He wants to tell all his friends about it, it's such a strange story, after all."