County Durham homeless veteran , 68, forced to 'live in his car' finds home

The veteran was forced to sleep in a car. <i>(Image: Believe Housing)</i>
The veteran was forced to sleep in a car. (Image: Believe Housing)

A homeless veteran, aged 68, has secured a new home in County Durham after being forced to live in his car.

He had been forced into homelessness due to the end of a long-term relationship.

Steve Winter, an Outreach Worker at Armed Forces Outreach Service (AFOS), assisted him.

Mr Winter said: "By the end of the same week he’d moved in, and he is over the moon now.

"He’s ex-Army, I’m ex-Navy, but we both served in Gibraltar and there is a camaraderie in the Forces community that helps to break down barriers so we could talk."

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AFOS, a local authority partnership partially funded by Believe housing association, provides support for serving personnel and veterans.

Mr Winter added: "I was able to explain the shortage of social housing in County Durham and to understand his concerns and needs, which helped to get a home he’s happy to live in."

AFOS worked along with housing officials and the veteran to find a suitable home.

Furniture and household items were also provided with Mr Winter applying to Armed Forces charities for more financial support.

Ian Porter, Director of Neighbourhoods and Customer Experience at Believe Housing said: "We work closely with customers and partners to provide the homes and support people need to live well.

"With the support of the Armed Forces Outreach Service we have been able to help this veteran move into the healthy and affordable home he needs for a decent life, and we wish him well for the future."