'Terror Owl' Caught In Dutch City After Attacks

'Terror Owl' Caught In Dutch City After Attacks

A bird dubbed the "terror owl" by the residents of a Dutch city has been caught after it attacked more than 50 people.

The European eagle owl had been swooping silently from above and attacking residents in Purmerend, north of Amsterdam, for the past year.

Many of the owl's victims were left bloody and bruised by the attacks.

"The animal was trapped by a falconer," Purmerend city council said in a statement.

"It's in good health and is currently being kept in a temporary facility awaiting a transfer once a proper permanent home has been found."

After the attacks became widespread, local officials advised residents to use umbrellas to protect themselves.

In one of the attacks, two members of an athletics club were struck by the swooping bird.

One of the athletes needed stitches for six head wounds.

Owl experts said the bird's unusual behaviour had been caused by it either being raised in captivity or due to heightened hormone levels at the start of the breeding season.

City council member Mario Hegger said he had mixed feelings about the owl's capture.

"On the one hand, you would of course rather leave such a magnificent beast alone," Mr Hegger said.

"But on the other hand, the situation could not continue. We had to do something."