The Apprentice 2016: Jessica Cunningham has emotional meltdown after huge mistake on this week’s task

It might only be week two of The Apprentice, but the pressure is already getting to the girls team, as they manage to lose their jeans ahead of a photoshoot… for a jean campaign.

This week the groups (Team Nebula vs. Team Titans) are challenged to market a pair of Japanese made jeans - including the creation of a campaign, the design of the packaging, and a pitch to a leading board of experts.


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Over on the girls’ team, Jessica Cunningham (the self-titled female Jim Carrey) takes charge, but laughter soon turns to tears, as she arrives at the studio for the all-important photoshoot of the jeans, but forgets the denims.

At first, the 29-year-old online fashion entrepreneur appears calm while explaining the situation to the camera woman, she says: “Basically the last location, we’ve put the jeans down and then we’ve not picked them back up again.”

Lord Alan Sugar’s right-hand lady, Karren Brady, then asks for clarification: “So, you’re doing photographs for your jean campaign without your jeans?”


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However this intense scrutiny causes Jessica to burst into tears and start hyperventilating while pacing around in circles, apologising to everyone, before Karren advises: “Jessica, go outside, go and take a breath, calm yourself down. We’ll all be here when you’re ready.”

Putting their sympathy aside, her remaining team members re-group, suggesting: “Right guys, let’s try and pull this together. Let’s try and talk while she’s not here. We can’t rely on her.”


The Apprentice 2016 airs tonight at 9pm on BBC One.