The X Factor: Nick Grimshaw CONFIRMS He Is Bringing Back Mason Noise

Okay, so it is either the most elaborate publicity stunt since The X Factor first graced our screens, or Nick Grimshaw has gone a bit cuckoo during his stint as he has now confirmed that Mason Noise will be returning to the boys’ category as Tom Bleasby’s replacement.

SAY IT AIN’T SO etc. etc.

After a whole load of speculation, Grimmy took to his Radio 1 breakfast show this morning to put us all out of our misery and address what on earth he was going to do now that he was one act down.

The DJ said of Tom’s choice to quit: “That left us with the decision of what to do. Do we go to judges’ houses tomorrow with five boys, or do we bring one back?

“So we decided, and I spoke to the boy [in question] last night, we’re bringing one back. I rang him last night and I spoke to him about it, and I think that I should bring back…

“It had to be Mason. I’m bringing back Mason Noise. I just thought he was exciting.”


When Grimmers was asked whether his boss, Simon Cowell, supported his decision, the star hesitantly added: “I don’t… sure why not?

“If he kicked off and wasn’t talented, he’d be out the door. But he can really, really sing, and he’s a performer and an entertainer, and for me, as a judge, he is someone who knows who they are.”

Apart from he seems to think he is Kanye West…

Nick continued: “I called him last night and said: ‘let’s not talk about what happened. It happened and let’s just get on with it. Let’s have no more of that and just focus on the music.’

“I’m actually going to edit the show for him. We’re not going to pander to him. We’ll see how he does at judges’ houses tomorrow.”

Well, something tells us that he might just make it through to the live shows as there is already so much hype around him following his tantrum.

In case you’ve been under a rock for the last few days, Mason got booted off the stage during the Six Chair Challenge after he got into a heated debate with Uncle Si about how much air time his first audition got.

The egotistical singer ranted: “Alright, I’ll tell it straight. The first audition I watched on Saturday, people had 10 minute slots. And I went to 47 seconds.

“I’m doing this for you. I’m doing this for entertainment. I’m doing this for artists. This is real.”

To which the music mogul told him to get off the blimmin’ stage.


In all honesty, it only seemed fair that if anybody was to return to the competition it should be former footballer Ollie Marland, who was the last one to lose his chair before the challenge ended.

But we suppose fairness doesn’t really come into it.