For those who dreamed of this moment, a toast to Brexit

A leave supporter is seen as fishing boats campaigning for Brexit sail down the Thames through central London, United Kingdom on June 15, 2016.  - 2016 Anadolu Agency
A leave supporter is seen as fishing boats campaigning for Brexit sail down the Thames through central London, United Kingdom on June 15, 2016. - 2016 Anadolu Agency

This is a historic day for Britain. Today, a UK government triggers Article 50 and begins the process of Brexit. And so the country enters a period of negotiation that, early signs suggest, will be tough, even acrimonious. But the goal is worth some hard work. Britain is seeking to restore its sovereignty.

Mrs May is a serious-minded politician and will doubtless regard today as an occasion for getting down to business, rather than celebrating. But for those who have for so long dreamed of this moment, a toast is irresistible.

Even Eurosceptics have to marvel at how far the country has come. Until recently, Brexit was dismissed by the establishment as a fringe position. A referendum was offered largely as a bribe to Ukip voters; a Remain win was predicted. Not only did Leave triumph against the odds but the prime minister, David Cameron, was forced to resign.

Mr Cameron’s replacement, Theresa May, had also opposed Brexit – and yet she astutely read the winds and declared that she would see it through, even if it meant walking away from the EU without a deal. The length of time Mrs May set from her ascendancy to triggering Article 50 proved wise. It allowed the Civil Service to prepare. It allowed the country to get over the shock of the referendum result. And it allowed the Remain militants to exhaust parliamentary obstruction. Britain is on the way to Brexit.

The road will be long; there will be obstacles to progress. The problem boils down to perspective. In her Lancaster House speech, delivered in January, the Prime Minister signalled that her focus is on the future: on the terms of withdrawal, yes, but also future cooperation – laying the foundations for “the greatest possible access” to the European market “through a… bold and ambitious free trade agreement”.

Many EU leaders, however, are thinking about punishment. They want to make Britain pay, to set an example. The European Commission calculates that the UK owes it €60 billion. This is a bold opening gambit by the EU, but the UK Government has already signalled that it regards the sum as preposterously large – and the House of Lords has even said that Britain could walk away from the negotiating table without paying anything at all.

Then there is the issue of the fate of foreign citizens. Mrs May wanted to strike an early deal on this matter, to say that the EU citizens currently resident in the UK were welcome to stay. But Berlin and Brussels refused to discuss it.

Head to head | The Brexit negotiators

The contrast in attitudes is sobering. Mrs May will tell the Commons that she is fighting on behalf of “EU nationals who have made this country their home”. Ministers are said to have wanted to make today the cut-off point for the free movement of people – a reasonable request. Again, the EU has said no.

This stubborness is reminiscent of the EU’s behaviour during Mr Cameron’s renegotiation effort. It serves an emotional need to put the UK in its place – but amounts in the long-run to self-harm. After all, by some estimations Europe needs Britain even more than Britain needs Europe.

The Europeans need access to our markets: Germany sells more cars to the UK than to any other country, while our financial services are second to none. And the UK’s cooperation on everything from energy to defence is critical to the stability of the continent. The row over migration is indicative of a painful fact: the UK’s economy is vibrant, growing and attracting the youth of Europe. Britain is one of the few European success stories still going strong, while the eurozone struggles from crisis to crisis.

Live Q&A: What does the Brexit process hold after Article 50? | Join the debate

Britain enters these negotiations in a strong position. Mrs May’s long-term goal will be to shift the EU’s attention away from the conditions of separation and towards constructing a framework for the future. She must resist being distracted by any naysayers back home, especially the SNP and its grandstanding vote last night at Holyrood for a second independence referendum.

Mrs May is a serious-minded politician and will doubtless regard today as an occasion for getting down to business, rather than celebrating. But for those who have for so long dreamed of this moment, a toast is irresistible. To a long campaign well fought. To the triggering of Article 50 and the accomplishment of an impossible dream. And to Britain, whose future is full of potential.