It’s time the BBC put Have I Got News for You out of its misery

Have I Got News for You
Have I Got News for You

Incredibly, Have I Got News for You is now approaching its 600th episode. To keep getting recommissioned every year since its debut in 1990 truly is a remarkable achievement.

Especially when you bear in mind that, for over 20 years now, the show has been almost unalleviated rubbish.

For its first decade, it was the sharpest thing on British TV. The decline began in 2002, after the departure of Angus Deayton. Never has the programme seemed more complacently predictable, however, than it does at present. Take the following joke, scripted for its most recent guest host, Naga Munchetty.

“Boris Johnson told the [Covid] inquiry that ‘abusive messages are part of the creative process’. I’m buying into this, OK. So, Boris, you’re a useless tosser! Make of that what you will!”

Obviously I have no problem with jokes that make fun of Boris Johnson. My problem with this particular joke is that it barely qualifies as a joke at all. It just isn’t trying. You’d find more imaginative insults on the wall of the pub gents’.

Whatever it is, though, it isn’t satire. The role of satire, or so the old saying has it, is to afflict the comfortable. Have I Got News for You doesn’t do that. Instead, it flatters the comfortable – by which I mean the type of liberal-left graduate professionals who all share exactly the same opinion of Boris Johnson, as well as of Brexit, Rwanda, Trump and just about everything else.

As it happens, the last piece of truly great satire I recall seeing on the BBC was not a clip from Have I Got News for You. It was a parody of it. In 2014, Harry Enfield and Paul Whitehouse performed a humiliatingly accurate spoof featuring Ian Hislop barking, “Errrr, total cock-up! Errrrrrrrrrrr, the Government!”, Paul Merton endlessly asking, “Is it a dolphin in a bathtub?”, and identikit panellists taking turns to yelp, “Oh my God the Daily Mail!!!!”

As a work of satire, it was so crushing that I thought Have I Got News for You couldn’t possibly survive. But it did, of course. Because, as every satirist knows, satire changes nothing.

Make the protesters pay

Sadiq Khan, the Mayor of London, says that policing public protests has left the Met with a funding shortfall of £240 million. To cover it, he’s told the Home Secretary to give him more money.

Plainly, however, it would be grossly unfair to make the tax-payer stump up. It’s bad enough that drivers have been prevented from getting to work by Just Stop Oil, and that Jewish families have felt intimidated by anti-Israel marches. But it’s adding insult to injury to suggest that they should have to pay for it, too.

Thankfully, I have a simple solution. Make the protesters pay, instead.

They shouldn’t have much trouble affording it. Left-wing activists almost invariably come from well-off middle-class backgrounds. So if they’re happy to pay sizeable sums of money each month to use a gym and an iPhone, why not to attend protests in support of fashionable causes, too?

It should be quite straightforward to arrange. Anyone wishing to glue their buttocks to a road, or to march through London chanting about Middle Eastern rivers they can’t even name, must first sign up with City Hall to pay a monthly Middle-Class Protest Fee, to cover the Met’s costs. In return, subscribers would receive an official Middle-Class Protest Card, entitling the bearer to throw as many tins of soup over priceless masterpieces as they wish, without risk of arrest.

Best of all, though, charging fees will make the protests more exclusive. And therefore even more fashionable than they are already.

French kissing

At last it’s officially confirmed. Nigel Farage has a girlfriend: a Frenchwoman named Laure Ferrari. To women across the country, the news will no doubt have come as a bitter disappointment.

Because, once again, we see an immigrant doing a job that could surely have been done by someone British.

Of course, with immigration soaring to unprecedented heights, it’s no surprise if homegrown candidates are struggling to compete. Still, before we start pointing the finger, we should be prepared to look ourselves in the eye, and ask whether the blame lies closer to home. Perhaps British women today simply lack the skills and training necessary for such a gruelling role. Alternatively, perhaps they think it’s somehow beneath them. Many employers insist that they have no choice but to recruit from abroad, because the British shy away from hard work. It may be that Mr Farage found himself in the same position.

At any rate, the Government is doing its best to rectify the situation, by making it so eye-wateringly expensive to secure a visa for a foreign partner. Come to think of it, this may be why Mr Farage demanded such a huge fee to appear on I’m a Celebrity. It was the only way he could still afford to have his girlfriend round.

Way of the World is a twice-weekly satirical look at the headlines aiming to mock the absurdities of the modern world. It is published at 7am every Tuesday and Saturday

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