Time for Scottish Government to do their part to fix broken NHS

Our NHS is beyond the point where we can say it is in crisis. It seems to be at breaking point.

Accessing a GP is becoming increasingly difficult and one in six Scots is languishing on a waiting list.

The ambulance service is in a bad way and our A&Es are struggling to cope. New analysis shows how bad it is in Scotland’s emergency departments.

Overcrowding has led to more than half treating patients in corridors.

Of the 826 patients across the 21 emergency departments, 12.8 per cent were being treated on trolleys in the corridor.

Little wonder Dr John-Paul Loughrey of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine has described the figures as “truly heart-breaking”. He said the situation facing many people is “devastating”, “inappropriate” and “undignified”.

A general election is a good way of shining a spotlight on public services.

It shows where ministers are failing and where improvements must be made.

Even though this is a Westminster election, the SNP government has to step up to the plate on the NHS.

There’s no doubt 14 years of Tory austerity has had a negative impact on all public services in Scotland.

Covid and lockdown also had a devastating impact on the health service across the UK.

But key elements of the NHS are simply not working and the excuses are wearing thin.

We need more beds, a proper staff retention policy and a joined up social care police to solve the crisis in A+E.

The experience of patients in the 21st century is simply unacceptable and must change as soon as possible.

Salute Souness

TOO often the honours system is used to reward time-serving Tories, career civil servants or big-money businessmen.

So it is refreshing to see so many real heroes rewarded in the King’s Birthday Honours list this year.

Among them is Scotland legend Graeme Souness. The hardman midfielder has shown us all his softer side by befriending “butterfly girl” Isla Grist, who suffers from the painful condition Epidermolysis bullosa.

After reading about her plight Souness pledged to do everything he could to raise awareness of the condition - and money to help find a cure.

He swam the English Channel with a team including Isla’s dad and has continued to do amazing work for the charity Debra, which helps children like Isla and other sufferers.

Well done to Graeme and all the Scots in the King’s Birthday Honours list.

If the honours system is to have any meaning it is these everyday heroes that should be first on the list.

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