A timeline of every single Doctor in Doctor Who and who played them

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A timeline of every Doctor in Doctor WhoAlistair Heap - BBC

Since Doctor Who began nearly 60 years ago (how is it nearly 60?), there's been a lot of Time Lords take over the coveted position in the Tardis. From the OG Doctor played by William Hartnell, to the fourth Doctor Tom Barker who remained in the role the longest, to Jodie Whittaker who recently departed the role, there's been a lot Time Lords in our lives destined to save the universe.

However, given we are now about to meet the Fifteenth Doctor (hi Ncuti Gatwa!), you could be forgiven for forgetting a few names and when they took over the Tardis. And so this is your official timeline of every single Doctor in Doctor Who and the actors who played them.

How many Doctors in Doctor Who have there been?

Ok so technically there are 14 Doctors starting from William Hartnell in 1963, to David Tennant's second iteration of the Doctor in the upcoming 60th anniversary special.

When Ncuti Gatwa takes on the role later this year we'll be at a total of 15 Doctors.

However, over the years there's occasionally been twists on the Doctor's character with Valeyard, the Meta-Crisis Doctor, the War Doctor, and the Fugitive Doctor all making occasional appearances. So if you're including them then it's actually 19 Doctors.

The Doctor Who Doctors in order

First Doctor (November 1963 - October 1966) - William Hartnell

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archive - BBC

The very first ever Doctor was played by William Hartnell in the series debut in November 1963. Hartnell played the Doctor for three years and his version of the Doctor was initially stubborn but chilled out as the series progressed.

He was forced to regenerate after fighting the Cybermen took a toll on his body.

Second Doctor (November 1966 - June 1969) - Patrick Troughton

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The next Doctor to take over the Tardis after the first Doctor's regeneration was Patrick Troughton, whose Doctor was friendlier and scruffier than the first. He was even nicknamed the 'Cosmic Hobo'.

The Second Doctor came to an end in June 1969 when he was forced to regenerate as a penalty after breaking the Time Lords' law of non-intervention.

Third Doctor (January 1970 - June 1974) - Jon Pertwee

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archive - BBC

The Third Doctor was played by Jon Pertwee and during his time on the show the Doctor was stranded on Earth by the Time Lords, who had disabled the Tardis.

It was during this time period the Doctor began working with UNIT, who are still shown in the series today.

He regenerated after succumbing to radiation poisoning from the planet Metebelis III.

Fourth Doctor (December 1974 - March 1981) - Tom Baker

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archive - BBC

So far, Tom Baker is the actor who played The Doctor for the longest, working on the show for seven years and series. Due to this, and the character's warm nature and signature scarf and hat, he has become one of the most recognisable Doctors and is often ranked highly among fans.

He also had some of the most famous companions from all of the series with Sarah Jane Smith and robotic dog K-9 joining him for adventures.

The Fourth Doctor regenerated after falling from a telescope and merging with a figure called 'The Watcher'.

Fifth Doctor (January 1982 - March 1984) - Peter Davison

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For the next two years the Fifth Doctor was played by Peter Davison, who was also a warm hearted Doctor, who would always been seen helping others.

He regenerated after succumbing to spectrox poisoning.

Sixth Doctor (March 1984 - December 1986) - Colin Baker

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archive - BBC

Another Doctor, another Baker, this time it's Colin Baker who took on the role of the Sixth Doctor. Btw, he's no actual relation to the Fourth Doctor Tom Baker.

Unlike the previous two Doctors the sixth version was known to be melodramatic and incredibly arrogant.

He regenerated after being injured in Rani's attack on the Tardis.

Seventh Doctor (September 1987 - December 1989) - Sylvester McCoy

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archive - BBC

The Seventh Doctor was played by Sylvester McCoy who took on the role for three seasons.

His Doctor began as warm and whimsical but became more dark and secretive as the series progressed.

In 1989 Doctor Who was cancelled after seven Doctors, and so the final Doctor in this era was shot in San Francisco and died in surgery due to his unusual anatomy.

Eighth Doctor (May 1996) - Paul McGann

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archive - BBC

In 1996 an attempt to revive Doctor Who happened with a TV movie, which saw Paul McGann play the Eighth Doctor.

Sadly, the attempt to revive the show didn't work and so Paul McGann did not return as the Doctor.

Ninth Doctor (March 2005 - June 2005) - Christopher Eccleston

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Adrian Rogers - BBC

In 2005 the BBC brought back Doctor Who with Russell T Davies joining the show as executive producer.

Christopher Eccleston was introduced as the first doctor for the revamp, but is the Ninth Doctor overall.

He was only on the show for one season and yet is still considered a favourite of many fans.

Tenth Doctor (December 2005 - January 2010) - David Tennant

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Adrian Rogers - BBC

And now we come to arguably the best Doctor of all time the Tenth Doctor who was played by David Tennant for five years.

He was joined on his adventures by a number of companions but arguably the two most memorable are Donna (Catherine Tate) and Rose (Billie Piper).

David Tennant's time as the Tenth Doctor came to an end on New Year's Day in 2010 when The Doctor succumbed to Vinvocci radiation poisoning and was forced to regenerate.

Eleventh Doctor (April 2010 - December 2013) - Matt Smith

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Adrian Rogers - BBC

The Eleventh Doctor was played by Matt Smith, who at 26 years old was the youngest ever actor to take on the role.

The Doctor was mainly accompanied by Amy Pond (Karen Gillan), her husband Rory (Arthur Darvill) and Clara Oswald (Jenna Coleman).

Despite thinking he is about to die in episode 'The Time of The Doctor', The Doctor is given another regeneration cycle by the Time Lords after Clara's call for help and regenerates to become the Twelfth Doctor.

Twelfth Doctor (August 2014 - December 2017) - Peter Capaldi

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Simon Ridgway - BBC

The Twelfth Doctor is played by Peter Capaldi, and his Doctor was known for being much less warm than the previous two, but still helped people.

Clara remained with the Doctor as his companion, however he was then later joined by companions Bill Potts (Pearl Mackie) and Nardole (Matt Lucas).

His regeneration occurs when he is electrocuted by Mondasian Cybermen.

Thirteenth Doctor (October 2018 - October 2022) - Jodie Whittaker

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Ben Blackall - BBC

Jodie Whittaker made history as the first female iteration of The Doctor. She played the role for three seasons and was joined by various companions including Graham O’Brien (Bradley Walsh) and Dan Lewis (John Bishop).

She regenerated after being attacked by The Master with Qurunx energy.

Fourteenth Doctor (November 2023 - December 2023) - David Tennant

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Alistair Heap - BBC

David Tennant, what are you doing here? Yes that's right, last year it was confirmed David is back for three 60th anniversary specials where he'll reprise his roles as the Tenth/Fourteenth Doctor after the Thirteenth Doctor regenerated as him.

While we don't how it will happen, one thing we do know is The Doctor will regenerate again by the end of either the 60th anniversary episodes or the Christmas 2023 episode as the Fifteenth Doctor has already been announced.

Fifteenth Doctor (December 2023) - Ncuti Gatwa

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James Pardon - BBC

Speaking of, the Fifteenth Doctor was confirmed to be played by Ncuti Gatwa, best known for his role as Eric in Netflix's Sex Education.

Not much is known about Gatwa's Doctor at the moment, all we do know is we will get our first sight of him in the 2023 Christmas special episode, and his companion will be Ruby Sunday, played by Millie Gibson.

Doctor Who returns on Saturday 25th November 2023 on BBC1 and BBC iPlayer

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