Tireless Dumbarton fundraiser urges locals to donate £1 to help save lives

Ghislaine Kennedy will walk 20 miles aiming to raise £20,000 for her church
Ghislaine Kennedy will walk 20 miles aiming to raise £20,000 for the church. -Credit:Lennox Herald

A dedicated Dumbarton fundraiser is asking everyone in the town to chip in £1 to secure the future of a church’s community outreach programme.

Ghislaine Kennedy will walk 20 miles from Balloch to Tarbet next month to support St Augustine’s Church in Dumbarton - which works to help people suffering from loneliness, isolation, addiction and mental health issues.

The Main Street church operates a busy Friday soup kitchen, takes on community service workers and is hiring out its hall for community groups - including those helping people battling addiction.

And Ghislaine will take on the challenge in memory of daughter Brenda, who passed away in 2022 at the age of just 49 after a lengthy fight with addiction herself.

Ghislaine told the Lennox: “Having lost my own daughter to addiction it’s something that means a lot to me.

“It’s something that is very important to my life. My heart swells with pride for those who are overcoming their addictions and helping other people.

“It’s too late for my daughter. But it’s not too late for others. And this church makes a difference to people’s lives.

“It’s very close to my heart when I see people with the courage to battle their addictions.

“We want to safeguard the future of St Augustine’s. We’re not going to close just yet. But we don’t ever want that to happen.

“Our hall is free for recovery groups to hire to let us help them.

“We’re not just a Sunday church for people to come and worship. We’re much more than that and more deeply rooted in our community.

“It would be a terrible tragedy if we were ever forced to close.

“I’m hoping to raise at least £20,000.

“If everybody in Dumbarton gave us just a pound it would help us immensely towards that target.”

St Augustine's Church St Andrew's Day event
St Augustine's hosts lively events throughout the year. -Credit:Lennox Herald

As well as supporting those fighting addiction, St Augustine’s runs a busy soup kitchen every Friday - as well as hosting regular events, and welcoming more than 60 people who might otherwise have spent Christmas alone for turkey and all the trimmings.

Ghislaine continued: “On Christmas Day we fed more than 60 people in the hall. And we’ve done that for more than 15 years now. We want to make sure that we can continue to serve our community in Dumbarton.”

And she has the full support of St Augustine’s Rector, Rev. Heller Gonzalez - who outlined the stark financial challenges facing the stunning building.

He told the Lennox: “If I could have two or three people like Ghislaine I could start a church from nothing. Anywhere in Scotland.

“What she does is amazing. She practically spends her life in these buildings. She has a really important role to play in the life of the church.

“I’m so grateful for all that she is doing and she has my full support for the sponsored walk.

“I just hope that many people will be able to support her

“We’re not just here for people experiencing problems with addiction. We’re here for the whole community.

“No matter who you are, no matter if you believe in God or not. You’ll always be welcome.

“We are here to listen and to change the journey that people are on to allow people to see the light at the end of the tunnel. There is hope.”

Rev Heller Gonzalez
Rev Heller Gonzalez revealed heating the iconic church costs more than £200 a day. -Credit:Lennox Herald

But Rev. Gonzalez admitted that heating the 150 year old building is now a major challenge.

He added: “Heating this building is now costing us £200 per day.

“That expenditure on the church is considerable to remain here and keep our doors open.”

Ghislaine meanwhile says that anyone facing issues in life will always find a warm welcome at St Augustine’s.

She added: “My message to people struggling with addiction, their mental health, isolation. Or anything. Is that there is help.

“We’re here at St Augustine’s to support them. We can try and get people the help they need.

“We have young men tell me that St Augustine’s has saved their life.

“That’s how big a loss it would be. This church is a light in the darkness for a lot of people.”

Donations can be made at St Augustine’s Church with an online Crowdfunder set to launch this month.

Ghislaine Kennedy, Rev Heller Gonzalez and Claire Haggarty at St Augustine's Church.
Ghislaine Kennedy, Rev Heller Gonzalez and Claire Haggarty at St Augustine's Church. -Credit:Lennox Herald

"St Augustine's helped me turn my life around"

Claire Haggarty says she turned to St Augustine’s Church when she was in the darkest period of her life.

Now she’s urging people to ensure that others have the same opportunity, after turning her life around.

The Dumbarton woman has now been in recovery for seven years, after almost a quarter of a century battling addiction.

Claire fought addictions to heroin, cannabis, valium and antidepressants. But says that meeting Ghislaine Kennedy 16 years ago inspired her to turn her life around.

And Claire says Ghislaine has led her to help others fighting addiction - as a volunteer at Rock Recovery, a group who regularly meet at the church hall.

Claire told the Lennox: “I met Ghislaine at St Augustine’s about 16 years ago when I was really down on my luck.

“I am an addict and I came here because the door was opened to me. Ghislaine showed me love and compassion. She didn’t judge me. I felt safe.

“I’m from Dumbarton and I got into drugs when I was quite young.

“I was caught up in addiction for about 25 years.

“I’ve got two kids who were brought up with me as a using addict. I came here to try and get help

“People showed me kindness, showed me that I wasn’t a bit of dirt on their shoe. Which is how I felt. Outside people were judging and criticising me. And that kept me really sick for a number of years.

“I was lost and lonely. Ghislaine knew what I was going through. I just wish we had more people like her, able to go out there like a small army to help others.”

St Augustine's features a church with Christ crushing a needle.
St Augustine's features a church with Christ crushing a needle. -Credit:Lennox Herald

Urging people to donate to Ghislaine’s fundraiser Claire said that St Augustine’s future needs to be safeguarded - to ensure more people fighting issues with addiction are able to get back on the right path.

“When I was growing up I didn’t have any positive role models. I didn’t learn from anybody. I learnt on the street,” Claire explained.

“Being around Ghislaine and watching her being that example and helping people inspired me. She doesn’t shout about things and she doesn’t judge anyone. That’s the way I want to be. Dumbarton is where my heart is. If I didn’t have this place all these years ago then I would’ve had nowhere to go.

“It’s not just to help with addiction. It’s to help with mental health, to cut down on isolation. There are a whole bunch of people who come here to get out and interact.

“With community centres being shut due to the budget situation at the council there’s no community spirit. Wee groups like Ghislaine’s help people with breaking the cycle of mental health, isolation and addiction.

“I know that we’re not going to solve it. But if we make a small impact in a few people’s lives then it’s all worthwhile.”

You can donate to help Ghislaine reach her target via GoFundMe.