Tiverton Museum's photographic trail unveils town's rich history

Staff at Tiverton Museum of Mid Devon Life have been busy scouring the archives in recent months for an upcoming Photographic Trail that will start at the end of June.

The museum’s photo archive is a resource of images of people and places from at least 1861 through to the present day.

The Photographic Tiverton Trail will give a glimpse back into the past, helping you imagine what the town would have looked like. The trail, which launches on Friday June 28, will feature 40 photographs from the museum’s archives, displayed in the windows of shops and businesses in the town. Each photograph will show that building, or part of the street, as it used to look in the past.

The trail runs from Friday June 28 until Monday September 30. A free trail sheet will be available from the museum.

If the photographic trail inspires you to learn more about the history of the town, look out for the Museum’s popular series of Illustrated Talks, featuring even more old photos from their collection.

· Fore Street in Old Photographs – Wednesday September 11, 3-4pm.

· West Exe in Old Photographs – Thursday September 19, 7-8pm.

· Gold Street and Bampton Street in Old Photographs – Wednesday October 16, 3-4pm.

All talk tickets are £8 (£6.50 for museum members) and can be booked online or at the museum.

The museum also runs Guided Walks around the town on a variety of themes. Their next walk looks at the old school buildings and the history of learning in the town.

· School Days – Friday July 19, 1.30–3pm or Saturday July 27, 1.30-3pm

Walk tickets are £10 (£8.50 for museum members) and can be booked online or at the museum.

For more information about the museum’s events, head to their website or pop into the museum to pick up a flier.

Funding for the trail has come from Mid Devon District Council ’s Love Your Town Centre: Vibrant Town Centres programme, funded from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, part of the Government’s Levelling Up programme.