Today in 1960: the first parking wardens begin patrolling Britain's streets

Traffic wardens: revenue collectors for the local authority, or a vital part of our transport network? - Christopher Pledger
Traffic wardens: revenue collectors for the local authority, or a vital part of our transport network? - Christopher Pledger

It was 58 years ago today that the traffic warden was first dispatched on the streets of London. 40 officers were sent to sniff out the illegally parked Mini Coopers, Ford Anglias and Morris Minors of Westminster and dish out fines of £2 a piece, worth approximately £44 in today’s money. More than 300 tickets were issued on the day of introduction alone, totalling a tidy £600 for the Metropolitan Police.

Not everyone was forced to pay up though. The first ticket issued was to a Dr Thomas Creighton, who had left his Ford Poplar at an angle outside a West End hotel. A newly-appointed warden, resplendent in his brass-buttoned uniform and yellow-banded hat, saw an opportunity and slapped on a ticket, unaware that Dr Creighton was in fact answering an emergency call to attend to a heart attack victim who had collapsed in the hotel. The ticket caused public outrage, and the doctor’s fine was subsequently waived.

It would seem that over-zealous ticketing remains an issue even 57 years later. Horses, hearses, ambulances and even rabbit hutches have fallen foul of the warden’s wily ways, and approximately 60,000 motorists appeal unjust London parking tickets each year. Still, it hardly puts a dent in the estimated £70m of revenue that Westminster Council alone receives each year from parking tickets, a sum that dwarfs the £48,000 taken in 1960.

The 40 wardens initially sent out to patrol the streets were instructed not only to issue fines, but to guide lost motorists and help them find somewhere suitable to park. Now councils across the UK are being accused of issuing secret quotas to wardens who are forced to slap a ticket on anything that moves – and sometimes things that don’t – in order to hit their daily targets. This pecuniary motivation could explain the eye-watering total of more than £600m that is believed to be extracted from rule-breaking motorists each year in the UK alone.

Gone are the brass buttons and shoulder flashes of the 1960s traffic warden, and in his place is a baseball cap-wearing ‘CEO’ (Civil Enforcement Officer). Notebook and pen have made way for cameras and tablets, and an hour’s parking in Westminster costs £4.90 rather than 6d. The some 300 drivers issued with their £2 fines on the 19th  September 1960 would have been outraged – little did they know that it was merely the beginning.