Tokyo Vice season 2 trailer: Sato's alive, Jake's family and more things to unpack

 Show Kasamatsu in Tokyo Vice.
Show Kasamatsu in Tokyo Vice.

It's been a long wait for Tokyo Vice season 2, as the Max original crime drama's first season wrapped up all the way back in 2022. But, at long last, Tokyo Vice is returning on February 8 and we have the first trailer for the new crop of episodes to get us excited.

Tokyo Vice is a loose adaptation of American journalist Jake Adelstein's time in Tokyo working as a reporter covering the police beat and Yakuza criminal activities in the 1990s. The series stars Ansel Elgort as Jake, as well as Ken Watanabe as his police contact Hiroto Katagiri, Rinko Kikuchi as his editor Eimi, Show Kasamatsu as Yakuza member Sato and Rachel Keller as Samantha, an escort that forms bonds with both Jake and Sato.

Over the course of the first season, Jake establishes his connections within the police force and Yakuza, which certainly looks like it is only going to put him in more danger in season 2. Meanwhile, Sato ended the season in a questionable spot, having been stabbed and left bleeding out on the street.

The Tokyo Vice season 2 trailer gives hints at how some of the big questions from season 1 turn out, and gives quick intros to some new characters and potential storylines. We've broken down what we think are the biggest things to take away from the trailer, which you can watch for yourself right here:

Sato lives

Let's start with the big cliffhanger from Tokyo Vice season 1, Sato. After being stabbed, it was unclear if that was going to be all she wrote for the young Yakuza. But the trailer shows that Sato is alive, just in pretty bad shape and recovering at the hospital.

However, the aftermath of the stabbing could lead to a big life change for Sato. It appears the head of Sato's Yakuza gang, Ishida (Shun Sugata), promises Sato they will avenge his attack. But the trailer then shows Sato saying "No more." Could the young gangster be looking to give up that life?

New stories for Jake?

Ansel Elgort in Tokyo Vice
Ansel Elgort in Tokyo Vice

Jake showed his determination in reporting on the Yakuza in season 1, which ultimately led him to the many workings of crime boss Tozawa (Ayumi Tanida). But Tozawa is not going to be taken care of so easily, and while Jake will assuredly still pursue the crime boss, he may also expand his efforts in the new season.

A Katagiri voiceover in the trailer reminds Jake that he "did not come to Tokyo in pursuit of one man. There are other stories, other crimes to be exposed. That is your job." If Jake ends up heeding that advice, it could help expand the story and group of characters in Tokyo Vice, as Jake dives further into the city's criminal underworld. Of course, that also will certainly raise the stakes for Jake as he runs the risk of making more enemies.

At the center of that could be the shootout that takes place in the trailer. We see two masked men enter a fancy restaurant or club and start shooting. Samantha appears to be there, spotting a distinctive tattoo on one of the assailants. Who are these men and could they be connected to the larger picture? That's for dogged reporter Jake to find out.

Getting to meet Jake's family

Sticking with Jake, we got to know a little bit about his family in season 1, particularly that he has a fraught relationship with his dad and a very close one with his sister. However, we only heard his family on the other end of a phone call. That looks to be changing in season 2.

The trailer opens with Jake riding shotgun in a car driving on what certainly looks like an American highway. While not confirmed, we're guessing that the girl driving the car is his sister. More definitively, later in the trailer, Jake is seen talking on the phone to an American man about the dangers that await him if he keeps going. We have every reason to believe this person on the phone is Jake's dad.

So we are likely going to learn more about Jake's family this season, as well as possibly see the journalist return to the US for at least a quick visit.

Will Katagiri make it out alive?

Ken Watanabe in Tokyo Vice
Ken Watanabe in Tokyo Vice

Tozawa got rid of one police officer, Miyamoto (Hideaki Ito), at the end of season 1, is Katagiri next? He already got a warning from the gangster last season, so how much danger is he in with these new episodes? Quite a bit it appears.

We see him conduct a raid at a criminal hideout, be overpowered by a perp and be the target of a drive-by. It's hard to think that Katagiri wouldn't survive all of this as he is a major character, but the trailer is definitely hinting there are going to be plenty of opportunities where his life could be at risk, and HBO shows (yes, this is Max but it's in the same family) are not afraid to have shocking twists like this.

One other thing related to this — could the danger Katagiri finds himself in be coming from someone other than Tozawa? In fact, could the two be working together?

Katagiri's voiceover telling Jake to chase other stories, while true, could be an attempt to get Jake to back off from Tozawa for the gangster's benefit. Then later, we see Tozawa and Katagiri side by side for just a second. Katagiri could have gotten so spooked by Tozawa's threat and what he did to Miyamoto that he decided it was better to work with him than against him. It seems unlikely for someone who has a strong moral compass, but the breadcrumbs are there.

Tokyo Vice season 2 premieres exclusively on Max on February 8. Watch Tokyo Vice season 1 on the streaming service right now.