Tommy Jessops wants Tommy Jessops Goes To Hollywood help Down’s syndrome visibility

Tommy Jessop is keen to change perspectives on Downs syndrome credit:Bang Showbiz
Tommy Jessop is keen to change perspectives on Downs syndrome credit:Bang Showbiz

Tommy Jessop hopes ‘Tommy Jessop Goes To Hollywood’ will have a “big impact” on understanding of Down’s syndrome.

The ‘Line of Duty’ star - who has the condition caused by being born with an extra chromosome - made a BBC One documentary with his brother Will that features appearances from A-listers like Kit Harrington and hopes it leads to an increase of the amount and sorts of roles for people like him after he set his sights on being in a Marvel movie.

The 38-year-old actor told the Metro newspaper: “I think it might have a big impact on people living with Down’s syndrome, hoping one day they might be superheroes as well.

“Or if not superheroes, you can also be whoever you want to be in life.”

His filmmaker brother Will outlined that they hope their project will “inspire”

He said to the same outlet: “Obviously not everyone is going to be in a superhero movie, but we do think it’s important that people have dreams and aspirations and we hope that this film will inspire people to follow their dreams.”

Will knows that his brother has the talent to act in a “compelling way” and knows he might need extra help to get this message out.

He said: “So he has to do it by himself with a bit of help from his family and friends, in order to show that he can do it, and that he can do it in a very special, unique, compelling way.

“I firmly believe that one of the main things that limits people like Tommy [and other] people with Down’s syndrome is our low expectation of them. If we take away those low expectations, you’ll be amazed.

“Even I am still guilty of that sometimes after 38 years of being Tommy’s brother, because the more opportunities, the more new things we try, the more incredible the results prove to be and Tommy’s still surprising me after all these years.”