Tory civil war as Walsall Council leader accused of 'power grab' after launching new group

Civil war has broken out among Walsall Tories after council leader Mike Bird launched a new group which he will head despite being suspended by the Conservative Party. A majority of Tory councillors backed him to run a new Conservative and Independent Group at the Walsall Conservative Group's annual general meeting on Wednesday, May 8.

But other Conservatives accused him of a "power grab" and of "hijacking" the meeting and said they would not join. It came after he was suspended by the Tories for three months amid bullying and harassment claims, a decision he has already vowed to appeal. He was given another sanction of not being able to hold a leadership post within the party for 12 months. But his role as Walsall Council leader was unaffected as the authority considers the issues to be party matters.

Coun Suky Samra was also suspended by the Tories as part of the same inquiry, although he has sat on the council as an independent since March last year.

READ MORE: Conservative Party suspends Walsall council leader following investigation

Coun Bird was unavailable for comment when contacted by the Local Democracy Reporting Service but he told the BBC he was "proud and humbled" by the support he had received from most of his colleagues.

But opponents, including Conservatives who did not back him and Labour, accused him of instigating the move to 'cling to power' and said he should not even have been at Wednesday's meeting due to his suspension. Coun Waheed Rasab, chairman of the Bloxwich and Walsall Conservative Association, said the matter had been referred to the national party.

Tory councillor Sarah Jane Cooper said "Coun Bird’s obsession with power and remaining leader was evident at last night's meeting. He was asked to leave as this was the Conservative Group AGM and he refused to. Instead he hijacked the meeting.

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"This is nothing but a power grab and he should have done the honourable thing and stepped down and accepted his suspension from the Conservative Party and apologised for his actions. Instead he has disregarded this and he has formed a new political group which makes a complete mockery of the Conservative Party as a whole and an insult to the residents who only last week voted for Conservative candidates and not independents. I and several others have not joined his new party."

Coun Bobby Bains added: "It is disappointing people who stood on the Conservative banner only last week have now defected to a new party. That’s fooled the public and they should be ashamed."

Walsall Labour group leader Matt Ward had called for Coun Bird to step down in light of his suspension. He said: "Those who have joined him probably don't realise what they've done. It is complete and utter madness so someone can cling onto power. Why is he so keen to hold onto this position?"

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