Treating head lice explained as Superdrug issues country-wise alert

Mum removing head lice from child
-Credit: (Image: Getty)

Superdrug has issued a warning to parents across the UK as cases of head lice are on the rise. The high-street chemist has reported a 121% spike in sales of its head lice treatment spray.

With summer around the corner and the weather becoming increasingly warmer, mums and dads are urged to check their children's' hair often. Head lice is prevalent around this time of year as warmer weather triggers infestations, Superdrug says.

Head lice is most common among children, but their families can catch it too. The NHS and Niamh McMillan, Superdrug’s Pharmacy Superintendent, have shared advice on how to prevent and treat head lice during the summer months.

What are head lice and how are they caused

Head lice are often caused by dirty hair. The pesky insects are picked up by head-to-head contact. They live in hair and lay eggs in the hair near to the scalp.

The lice can make your head feel itchy. The only way to be sure someone has head lice is by finding live lice.

What to do if your child has head lice

You should take action against head lice as soon as you notice them. You have can treat head lice without needing to consult a GP.

Ensure that you thoroughly examine all individuals you reside with or have frequent contact with. Promptly initiate treatment for anyone who is found to have head lice.

There's no need to keep your child off school if they have head lice.

How to treat head lice

The wet combing method can help remove head lice from hair. Use a fine-toothed comb and gently pull the comb through sections of wet hair, from roots to the end. Wipe the comb after each stroke, checking each time for head lice.

Alternatively, there are over-the-counter head lice treatments you can buy that can kill present head lice and eggs in the hair. Head lice should die within a day.

Some treatments need to be used again after a week to kill any newly hatched lice. Check the packaging to see if they're fine to use on you or your child.

If treatment hasn’t worked, then speak to a pharmacist. They should be able to advise on other options.

What you shouldn't do

Some treatments are not recommended because they're unlikely to work. These include:

  • products containing permethrin

  • head lice "repellents"

  • electric combs for head lice

  • plant oil treatments, such as tea tree oil, eucalyptus oil and lavender oil herbal remedies

Can you prevent head lice?

According to the NHS, there's nothing you can do to prevent head lice. You can help stop them spreading by wet combing regularly, using a detection comb, to catch them early. Do not use medicated lotions and sprays to prevent head lice. They can irritate the scalp.